Im bored

shaggy call me and quik if anything goes down

ill race

big sperm?

my mouth

didnt you get it

notta a thing going on…

nuthing but a G thang baebae

sorry to far away to race tontie

yea right, and finally I have 200 posts

yea your up 28 nice little ride to get eatin up by a 5.rust


u mean 5.SLOW…and shaggy would get it handed to him…hahaha


no room to speak on your part

stfu, did I say did

i am what i eat

are you sure? and shaggys car is 5.rust not slow get it right and you drive a geo storm that was fed after midnight[like gremlins]

i’ll race any of you fuckers from a roll…

as long as i can roll about 3/4 of a mile in front of you when we start…

idk i drove a geo storm…shit…didnt know i owned that car…hahaha…me and shaggy r just fucking around…wait…hes gay…he might think we have something…

i wish i had a geo storm… i’d finally be in the 16s!!!1!!