I'm dead.

Well, in my opinion…the judge is prrrrobably looking at your driving (wheelie/speeding) as reckless, with the probability of hurting someone higher than if you were riding normal (abiding the laws). THAT puts you at the same level as a drunk driver. Both are a risk to other people. plain an simple. Im guilty of doing stupid things on the road (a lot less now that Im older) along with more than half this board. But, thats what it is…you were driving wreckless, a drunk driver drives…wreckless.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:3,topic:34838"”]

Uhhh, yeah. Good game, game over. Stop being a douche.


pretty much… sucks to be you… :rx3:

yea sounds like you need to slow your roll :gotme:

I’d deffinatly say if you wanna get anywhere with this, you’ll need a lawyer…

Vid of my car or JAIL!

j/k. I hope they cut you some slack.

[LEFT]So went to court for the final time today.

recap: 2 charge of Reckless driving, 1 charge of speeding in school zone (37 in 20)

I didn’t hire a lawyer so GRAND TOTAL = $125 no points

hmmm. Reckless driving charges dropped, 1 parking ticket.

For those who care, I’ll go into more detail…

I was ready for trial, I’ve been sketching a defense for the past few weeks and here is what I’ve come up with.

Can one be guilty of 1212 Reckless driving if no one is around? Or if you are not on a public road, and no one is around?(<- not in my case tho)

NYS law.

§ 1212. Reckless driving. Reckless driving shall mean driving or using
any motor vehicle, motorcycle or any other vehicle propelled by any
power other than muscular power or any appliance or accessory thereof in
a manner which unreasonably interferes with the free and proper use of
the public highway, or unreasonably endangers users of the public
highway. Reckless driving is prohibited. Every person violating this
provision shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Does pulling the front wheel up off a stop sign when no one is around constitute reckless driving? NO?

Does it unreasonably endanger users of the public highway? NO?

Apparently when “They” looked at the situation the felt the same.

Now do I think its something that should be done? NO. I don’t think it should be legal. I don’t know what to call it, or charge for it…but it’s not reckless driving in my eyes.

I’ll pose another situation:
Say you break/sneek into some abandon, or secluded parking lot and are doing your own little auto cross, or practicing your high chair wheelies. Can you be charged with “reckless driving”, or just trespassing or something…?

The fact that I waited til no one was around was brought to the judges attention as to why the charges should be dropped.

I guess the only argument they could have had for your reckless driving defense is: Yes, it does endanger the users of the public highway because you are, in fact, a user of the public highway.

I was just about to say, it’s not illegal to pull the front wheel up in NYS. I put about 6k on my bike a year, and have never pulled a wheelie, BUT, I don’t knock those that do. You get in the car, you chirp your tires, you go sideways in a parking lot or play with someone on a highway. You’ve all done it one time or another. Pay to play. Glad ya didn’t get hit too hard, and now you know the circumstances of what could happen.

thats complete bullshit but hey everyone can buy into it