I'm dead.

hey atleast u did not get hurt and have a slow painfull death! dude seriously it could be alot worse

I bet if you ever put up that vid from last year of Geoff and me with the meth fireballz every thing would be better.

I’m pretty sure that unless an officer sees you do the offense they can not ticket you. When I was younger I thought it would be funny to f-with the driver’s edd car. Yah well by the time I got home the cops where there talking to my mom. I he asked me what I was doing, and I smart assed asked back, what did you see me do? He said they had reports blah blah…it ended up the cop telling my mommy on me. Later my mom laughed about it, and i never heard anything from it again. Cop was prolly on the look out for me though. O well


I’m pretty sure that unless an officer sees you do the offense they can not ticket you. When I was younger I thought it would be funny to f-with the driver’s edd car. Yah well by the time I got home the cops where there talking to my mom. I he asked me what I was doing, and I smart assed asked back, what did you see me do? He said they had reports blah blah…it ended up the cop telling my mommy on me. Later my mom laughed about it, and i never heard anything from it again. Cop was prolly on the look out for me though. O well


Except in this case they person reporting is an actual cop. The credibility level goes through the roof from an everyday civilian.



I bet if you ever put up that vid from last year of Geoff and me with the meth fireballz every thing would be better.


ah shit, you had to bring that up…I feel like such a douche!!! My shitty laptop will not process the video…yeah, I have a mini-dv camera with no way of putting it on the comp. weak as hell…

well guess what, you’ll get your video. im on a mission. count the days bro.
p.s. as long as I didn’t tape over it :eek: don’t think so tho

ZOMGVTEK: with the type of bike I have, I don’t see a way of riding it in the city without pullin wheelies… :frowning: Of course I’ll get flamed for that statement, but if you road it every day, you’d see.

Big B: I dunno man, a slow (i.e. 2 hour) death seems pretty good right now. At least I wouldn’t have to stew over this for 2 weeks!!! seriously tho, after I go to court i’ll feel a lot better…it wont be that bad.

ultradriver10000: Oh man, I always think about doing that. i.e. pulling up next to them at 28 in a 30 in 2nd in my car, then boosting the hell out of it! LOL maybe I won’t since you mentioned they’re narcs! ha!

Finally…I’m ready to pay, but why does every one think I need a lawyer? I think they want my money, so therefor I wouldn’t need a lawyer.
I feel that with a case like this, if your a total social reject, that can’t express themselves in a decent manor you should get a lawyer, but if your somewhat intelligent you could do fine on your own.

while im on the subject of lawyers…I feel that in such cases, the way a lawyer helps you reduce your fines is the respect the judge has for the lawyer, and the profession. Judges are usually lawyers before they become judges. therefore, they appreciate that you hired them and gave them work, so if they didn’t give you a better break than without there would be no reason in hiring them. Trail is a different story tho. But if your NOT going to trial, a lawyer is just an expensive buddy to hold your hand.

Note: if any of my sentences don’t make sense, or my logic is fucked i’ve been :beer2: tonight BTW


ah shit, you had to bring that up…I feel like such a douche!!! My shitty laptop will not process the video…yeah, I have a mini-dv camera with no way of putting it on the comp. weak as hell…

well guess what, you’ll get your video. im on a mission. count the days bro.
p.s. as long as I didn’t tape over it :eek: don’t think so tho


With that said best of luck with this whole shitty thing.


Finally…I’m ready to pay, but why does every one think I need a lawyer? I think they want my money, so therefor I wouldn’t need a lawyer.
I feel that with a case like this, if your a total social reject, that can’t express themselves in a decent manor you should get a lawyer, but if your somewhat intelligent you could do fine on your own.


You already have a tainted driving record from what i’ve read. This guy followed you while you were asshating around for a few minutes. Odds are he will speak highly agaisnt any reduction, and without a lawyer, goodbye license and hello $$$ out the window.

I got pulled over the other day…

I’m not a dick to the 5-0 tho, so they let me go with a warning, and “have a nice evening”

Good idea buying a bike!




^ awesome

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:70,topic:34838"”]


failure to signal…

LOL @ highchair wheelie

wow… nice pic… samsara you need pics like this.

[quote=“turbo ls1 ss,post:70,topic:34838"”]






it would be sweet if he put the front end down and got up to like 150 and lost the cop! but he prolly did not

hard to outrun a cop when your sprocketed to do wheelies… not to mention 10 psi in a rear tire makes a bike not turn so well… but i feel for the rider… i wish him luck in court


So I just got back from court…and I guess they don’t wanna make a deal. It doesn’t make any FUCKING sense!!! I sat there in court while multiple people get their Felony DWI (.14) in one case dropped down to a misdemeanor, and they wanna stick me with both in my case.

hmmm so that means

Wheelie>.14 drunk driving

Fucken sweet.

I’ll post the trial date on the “meets and get together” section if I go.

Well, to be honest, I’m sure your recent history doesn’t help. The school zone thing is also a big one to the courts.

Let me guess from an earlier post of yours…you arrived sans lawyer?

I’ll go out on a limb here, and you may not like it, but it seems like a bit of time off the streets may do you some good.

I wrote a high and mighty post all about how I hope you lose your license so you stop giving responsible riders a bad image, but I think I’ll just leave it at

:mamoru: <3 Justice.