I'm dead.

Wow, and doing wheelies is so much worse than doing 60 to 150 mph pulls on the street? He was doing f===ing wheelies for gods sake! Maybe not the smartest place to do em, but WTF! Get off the holyer than thou band wagon. Every person on this board, at one time or another did something worse ( or dumber) than him. If you say you didnt, you are either a lier or a pussy who doesn’t belong on a street racing site.

you shoulda been wise to the van (as you sorta were) and dusted him just for cheap insurance. Esp when pulling up to your buddies you seen the van slowing up I woulda darted outta there. If I worry about the person behind me, see em on their cell phone actin fishy, I’ll peace outta there and lose em. Anyone around you can get you busted ive seen it too many times. Gotta be smart if your guna be risky. No hating here I wheelie on the streets just about everytime I ride. Good luck in court I’d get a lawyer you should be ok

Maybe the people on this forum aren’t racing in the city? Light to light? On one wheel?

Samsara is dumb for getting caught, not for doing wheelies. :tup:

The problem with me getting away at the scene is that I didn’t know he wasn’t just another lady in a van until he pulled up to my buddies house, and I wasn’t suspicious until I turned on his street…The cop was behind me for at least 5 minutes before that, counting a 2 minute wait at a red light. yeah, he sat behind me calling the station while he waits behind me at a light…in conclusion HE HAD MY PLATE!! With all the woods trails around, and the entrance that me and my friend use for his 4 wheeler like 2 houses down I COULD have easily got away, but they would be at my parents house having coffee with my mom by the time I got there.

Carnut: you know the city, where homeboyz. I’m not gonna disrespect my father by using the dad card, they all know who he was, and they all know who I am. As soon as Roger (the captain) got out of the van I knew I was fucked. He didn’t know me at first cause I had the helmet on, and the bike is new. He knows my car tho.

what I don’t understand is why all the hype about bringing the front wheel in the air a bit?? So, If I go 25 miles an hour over the speed limit while texting on my cell phone in my 5,700lb SUV I get a speeding ticket. but, If I bring the wheel off the ground a bit I get 2 reckless driving tickets?? WTF! It doesn’t make sense.

I bet if you get some kind of crazy D.O.T. legal wrinklies on ur hot rod and launch off a light putting 2 wheels in the air, you’ll just get a “unsafe start”.

I have a legal strategy, to get one charge dropped completely. I just wrote it, then deleted it cause I’m not sure if the cops read the forum, and I don’t want them to have warning of it. That would be like the other team seeing your playbook!

If everything in my life goes right, I’ll BE a lawyer in a few years…I have a bachelors in legal studies now, I know what I’m doing when it comes to interpretation and fun with words :slight_smile:

edit= ZONG: you asked about my name? we’ll its actually kinda deep. I am studying Tibetan Buddhism, Samsara is your wheel of suffering, basically what you DON’T wanna do. Your samsara is what keeps you from enlightenment. A mental wandering, no focus. In short, me spending tons of time and money to make my car 2 tenths faster, and tons of time making it look cooler, and the fact i’m on this forum contributes to my Samsara.


ppl with reckless driving/misdemeanor tickets pls check in…

this is on my motorcycle btw.

so…I started doing 2nd-3rd wheelie shifts a few days ago. And let me tell you, once you get it into 3rd, It seems I can go forever :slight_smile: I was “offroad” practicing, when I decided to visit a friend. The problem is that I continued my wheelie practice into the city!

I was going down xxx street, and in that i’m always looking around me when I’m being a hooligan, I noticed a green van pull off a street behind me. This comes into play because I have to slow down to ~27 to pull up in 2nd. So I wanna know who is behind me and how far. I continue to pull a nice 2-3 down a street, slow down and pull another, slow down and pull another etc. The green van is still behind me, and a little close; so I nail it to gain some space…and pull another wheelie. Stop at a stop sign, green van stops right behind me, and I pull 1st gear cross-up off the stop. I come to a light at about ~30 and do a NASTY rear brake slide, my tire was squeelin’, I had the rear wheel almost sideways! woot! take a nice left off the light, and a quick right onto my buddies street. I notice the green van turns behind me…hmmm coincidence? So I pull into my friends driveway and the green van parks across the street…hmmm a neighbor? I look at him and I see he’s on his cell phone and looking at me…now I’m scared! My buddy is on his porch, and I yell to him “I think something is up with that van bro” He responds “holy shit what did you do?, he’s pointing at you, and there’s two cop cars coming down the street” One from each way.

Out from the green van comes the Captain of the city police department, running across the street flashing his badge. I’m still on the bike at this point. I quickly got off cause I thought he was gonna tackle me. The two other cops get out of their cars and run up. He starts bitchen at me, I agree that I was being a total jackass.

And I get 3 tickets:

  1. Reckless driving (misdemeanor)
  2. Reckless driving (misdemeanor)
  3. Speeding in a school zone

oh yeah, the story is worse than you think…I cant go to school!!! I got two speeding tickets last month. I went to a 6 hour driving school for one, and a 4 week long “Risk Intervention Program” for the following ticket. I also received 3 points.

anybody have any experience with such tickets? should I just slit my wrist tonight or what?



Just wanted to let you know that…

nobody esle noticed that the cop was driving his van following on his cellular telephone? So when did breaking laws to obtain laws (while off duty) become ok? Obviously its your word against the cops but a good lawyer will try to use this to get some sorta break.

There wouldnt be any tickets given had the green van been a law abiding citizen and pulled over to use his phone.

Now if he was on hands free, thats another story.


nobody esle noticed that the cop was driving his van following on his cellular telephone? So when did breaking laws to obtain laws (while off duty) become ok? Obviously its your word against the cops but a good lawyer will try to use this to get some sorta break.

There wouldnt be any tickets given had the green van been a law abiding citizen and pulled over to use his phone.

Now if he was on hands free, thats another story.


Seriously, why even argue that point? That will get you nowhere.


Why is everyone giving him shit?
Isn’t this a board built on street racing?




Seriously, why even argue that point? That will get you nowhere.


your right, maximum fine and jail time ftw.:headbang:

btw i was told somebody saw you doing a wheelie just yesterday… they said it looked good… lol… nice job bud


Carnut: you know the city, where homeboyz. I’m not gonna disrespect my father by using the dad card, they all know who he was, and they all know who I am. As soon as Roger (the captain) got out of the van I knew I was fucked. He didn’t know me at first cause I had the helmet on, and the bike is new. He knows my car tho.


Oh werd, wasn’t sure if it was NT. Yeah I wouldn’t pull the father card unless it were absolutely necessary. In which case don’t they do a background check when you take the Bar?? Either way good luck that blows. Shit happens.

Who’s van was he in? We used to get chased by Officer Phillips all the time in his van…lol

Turbociv: I thought about that, and it does seem like a VERY enticing argument to make. I am still considering saying it, even more so since you reminded me. The problem is if my memory of logic serves me correctly that would be an “ad hominem fallacy”. Instead of arguing your case, your attacking the person that advances it. I don’t see him getting a ticket for cell phone use, probably would just piss them off.

it would kinda be like bringing a knife to a gun fight…lol :rubicant:


btw i was told somebody saw you doing a wheelie just yesterday… they said it looked good… lol… nice job bud


yeah, Burgasser…lol. The 2-3 shift is kinda hit or miss sometimes with the location of my shifter and my soft shoes, and my noobness. But, the last one I pulled behind him was pretty nasty.

Carnut: LOL, friggin mini bikes got us into trouble huh? he was in HIS van, with his daughter sittin shotty. I believe he was picking her up from softball or something.

I just really don’t know what im gonna do about this bike…I’m thinking about going for a ride right now, but I don’t think I can without doing wheelies…for real. :frowning:


nobody esle noticed that the cop was driving his van following on his cellular telephone? So when did breaking laws to obtain laws (while off duty) become ok? Obviously its your word against the cops but a good lawyer will try to use this to get some sorta break.

There wouldnt be any tickets given had the green van been a law abiding citizen and pulled over to use his phone.

Now if he was on hands free, thats another story.



your right, maximum fine and jail time ftw.:headbang:


Using your phone in emergency circumstances while driving is technically against the law, but something like that would never EVER work to try and get charges dismissed. Having an officer doing it amplifies the acceptability of it since cops can legally talk on their phones while on duty.

Example: If I called while driving to report a drunk driver, there isn’t a chance in hell that the charges would be dismissed because I was on my phone while driving, lawyer or not.

Edit: You stated that you already had points on your license. If you do not get these reduced you most likely have a revocation of your license for at least 6 months.

lawyer and get ready to pay!

any one know what can happen if a civilian calls you in while doing wheelies or whatever?

im thinking that all they can do is follow to tell the cops where you are. but what if the civilian gets your plate number? or gets you on tape?

^ might depend on that towns “neighborhood watch” policy? Im not sure


Who the hell expects that out of a van?

I wouldnt be pulling wheelies with some guy following me though, but i dont have a bike, if that matters…

I think your going to need to do some research if you want to get out of this… And a lawyer… A good one…



Carnut: LOL, friggin mini bikes got us into trouble huh? he was in HIS van, with his daughter sittin shotty. I believe he was picking her up from softball or something.


Indeed :carnut:


what I don’t understand is why all the hype about bringing the front wheel in the air a bit?? So, If I go 25 miles an hour over the speed limit while texting on my cell phone in my 5,700lb SUV I get a speeding ticket. but, If I bring the wheel off the ground a bit I get 2 reckless driving tickets?? WTF! It doesn’t make sense.


Hard to argue that right there…