I'm done playin in Obamanomics

You missed the point. Your saying spread the wealth. If that’s how you feel then give me $2500 to pay my doctor bill. Of course I would never take the money from you because I don’t want your money that you worked hard to get. I was merely trying to make a point.

My bill is so high because I in fact do not have health insurance. The cost for me to get insured is $9000.00 a year. For me it is cheaper to pay out of pocket for office visits and what not. The only risk im taking is if i contract a terminal illness that requires a lot of medication/hospitalization.

The best part is, you don’t see me asking for handouts. I chose this path and am paying for it out of my own pocket without complaining.

You on the other hand feel that you deserve a hand out from other hard working people, which I despise. I am managing to pay for my health insurance without help, so can everyone else. And if you can’t, IMO, too bad.