I'm done playin in Obamanomics

Thank you democrats

I’m considered big game, that shit probably wouldn’t make it through my ‘insulation layer’.

well shit then I guess Im ahead of that game already. Atleast I pay my loans now though.

if your that worried about a revolution or an invasion I would learn how to live without civilization and invest in things that will be of great importance, i.e. solar power, wood heating systems instead of oil, ect

Or a simpler solution would to be to move out of the country

woodstove for the fuckin wiiinnn

ooooo boyyy, herreee we go with socialism… do you honestly think our leaders would direct us into a state of socialism at its purest form… ABSOLUTELY NOT, our country is designed to keep the rich, rich

hell yah… Ireland here i come

That was my last resort

dont they have problems with militias and shit over there?

You would rather stay in America while an uncivilized revolution is going on?

Thats northern Ireland, problems still exist but the situation has cooled down somewhat compared to previous years

so join one. stop being a girl.

There problems are not nearly as bad as what we may face

You have a point but I disagree.

Obama is laying the ground for Universal Health Care. 1st socialist act.
Welfare is being reinforced. 2nd socialist act.
Banks/Businesses are getting money from the govn’t. 3rd socialist act.
Obama pushed for bank Nationalization. 4th socialist act.

As a business owner I see it as a direct hit to capitalism. The purest form of this is that business in the business to make profit, no more, no less. Free from government intervention. That includes health care and how people live. You want to be homeless because your too lazy to work. Good.
Your company fails because of bad business practice. Good.

I am not here to pay for other people to make mistakes. The way we are going in to only be as strong as our weakest link and that is going to hit a point where people are going to have had enough.

I have no reason to join one. Im not Irish anyway.

No my plan was to move to Ireland with my cousins and other family

good, youre not welcome. stay away, mickeys only!

Word we dont want dumb polish ford owners
