i'm drunk from licking my monkey



wtf is golden monkey?

you passed out pussy? :clit:


its shitty ass beer… its high in alcohol though, by Victory… its terrible

it’s not terrible… it’s fucking great.

will someone bann this fool already

if you think golden monkey is great you have never had good strong beer… grab a pint of kastell or some nice corsendonk… around 60 -100 a case… thats the good stuff

Just buy some liqour and save $

belgian beer is the shitT!!! piraat, delerium, stella, chimay. :beer:

i have some stella in the fridge right now, great beer!! i get it for about 25 a case to which is even better

i heart hoegaarden


on tap at fat heads

nice. it’s $2.75 a bottle at the Bronze Hood.