I'm going to dangle Bill Gates from his balls over niagara falls with fishing line

The power went out.

I had saved my document already. But I forgot to keep saving it as I went. So the last time I saved was 6:50. When it went out I said oh…meh…i won’t lose that much work since it probably autosaved all along.

NO! For whatever reason it didn’t. Thanks microsoft for being a big piece of shit and wasting my time.


how manay pages and can you send me your hard drive overnight.

LOL at the title

omg, that sucks man - to the rest of it :frowning:

My Excel at work took a shit today. But it autosaved and I only lost 2 minutes of work. Yay for Bill Gates.

sorry to say but a ups > you

I’m usually on a laptop, so this isn’t a huge issue. I’m buying my very own…tomorrow. :wink:

But it’s ok. I’m not too far behind if I stay off…here. I’m nearly done. This class isn’t transfering, so I’m not particularly motivated anymore :frowning:

Ok you can save him from me.

Naw there is really nothing in it for me. He probably has robots or something to protect him anyway. Except they all run on Windows 98 so they hardly ever work.

set your explorer to view all hidden/system files and look around.

if you were editing ‘whatthefucksup.doc’ you’ll find a temp file that’s named similar to your report only it will usually begin with “~$”; so it would look like: ‘~$atthefucksup.doc’.

if it’s not in that directory; take a look in your temp files.

btw lol :lol: @ windows 98 robots.

Done. Well, as done as it’s ever gonna be.

open office is da shit