I'm going to mexico and have a few questions...

im not totally sure when this goes into action but i know your going to need a passport soon to cross back into the states from mexico even on foot. iv heard as soon as jan 31st.

idk about that area specifically but i know in tj the cops are pretty corrupt. just keep to yourself and dont draw much attention and ull be fine. as far as driving your car over i have friends here who drive their cars/bikes over and dont rly have problems, again, its about not drawing attention to yourself

OT: Hilarious thread title, thanks for my first laugh of the day

You have some serious balls if you are white and bringing that thing over the border. I’d be nervous as hell myself… There are buses you can board in DT el paso and they take you on a lil roundtrip around juarez, this i would never do alone tho.

I grew up in el paso and used to hit the borders all the time, hell you could drink if you could walk into the bars in some parts of juarez. I remember going with my older friend when i was 12 and boozing. Always make sure you had a $20 in the wallet and the rest of your cash somewhere else, if you were white, you’d get harassed by the corrupted fucking cops down there, it was give all your $$$ in your wallet or spend a night in juarez jail, which was a huge fear back in my younger days from tales from people that actually had to do it. Besides cheap booze and the ability to buy any drugs OTC, i grew to hate that fucking place with a passion.

Fast forward to last year or two i went down to visit some family and decided to venture over the border with a friend… Lots of drugs are no longer OTC…

As for booze you can visit some shops down there, usually leather shops that make anything from boots to wallets and they usually sell tequila too… They’ll offer you free shots as a “welcome” but they just try getting you drunk so you spend all your $$$ on the “tour”

As for tequila, find ones made 100% from agave, hit up some nice restaurants and taste as many as you can at their bar… I wouldn’t suggest a straight up bar unless its very nice looking and other white people are there…

If your under 25 and bringing a new CTS into mexico across the el paso border, you have true balls my friend or a serious lack of knowledge about the area. I’m not saying you are going to get jacked, but you will definitely be eyeballed and if the right person is around when you park… Cya… And the cops are slow and don’t really give a fuck about us american boys down in their area and what problem or law was broken by their boys. They were corrupted as fucking dog shit when i was down there in the 90s… I dunno how it is now but i can’t imagine much changing in 10 years for that corrupt fucking area.

Last time i was in Juarez my friend got stabbed in the ribs with a fork by some guy who was trying to rob us. I think the guy was really fucked up because we were in a bar and he just told us to give him our shit lol. We beat his ass and got the hell out of there just because you never know if he had buddies or whatever. Anyhow that was the last time ill ever be in Juarez. BTW if you need ANYTHING just ask a cab driver. Get one of the ones in El Paso to drive you over and meet you later. Thats what i used to do.

do me a favor and stop at a mexican junkyard and grab a set of euro bumpers off a 98-01 focus lol, ill pay you double the cost of them plus some for your troubles.

if going into mexico get lots of shots first… and i’m not talking about the alcohol ones either.

I appreciate all the input.

I won’t be going into Juarez. That place is too shitty for my tastes. I frankly want to avoid people completely. After more research, i’ll be crossing west of Juarez, and heading into some mountain towns. I doubt I’ll stay in Mexico overnight, rather retreat to El Paso, then start over agian in the morning.

I leave on the 29th, and will be there for about 2 weeks.

I’m bringing my portfolio and resume, see what I can find in El Paso or the surrounding areas, so maybe I won’t come back at all…

El Paso is alright. Lots of shady business takes place there as well. Oh and make sure you id any chick that you talk to. Everyone either loves or hates El Paso im anxious to see what you think. When i say it was alright that means i hate it lol.

el paso weather > *

Worst weather is sand storms… No killer heat like FL or AZ in the summer and warmish in the winter, no snow, hardly ever rains, no seasons, no fucking leafs to deal with in fall, cutting your grass once a month is more then enough. If the economy was better and less fucktards, it’d be a nice® place to live.