mexico is hilarious.

went down to tijuana for the day right after my flightlanded into ca… and all i gotta say is that them mexican’s will do anything to sell you stuff! i bought some bad ass comfee blanket they wanted 50$ for and i jewed them till 25$ then walked away and they start screaming 20!!! 18!! hehe

nothing but beat up cars flying around wrecklessly… big bars with free margirita’s,

all in all. it was an experience that i think if anyone ever comes towardscali that you should definitly take a day and go visit… just a heads up!!

im heading to LA in a few… go check out hollywood so if anyone has any thing too look at let me know ill take pics…

go check out the playboy mansion!!

anyway enjoy… if i can figure out how to upload pics to this labtop i ll post some up of mexico… and later la :eek4dance

i was their over the winter for like 2 weeks…

in la:
farmer’s market at the grove
peterson auto museum
santa monica pier
el matador beach
the mash site, if your into that kinda thing
than…shyt what else did i do while i was there…

ehh, just kinda cruise the streets… always good lookin women, and every kinda car you could imagine…

sounds sweet doug hope your having a good time

peterson auto museum - definitely try to go here, its really awesome

there is a ton of cool shit to do, but do this one thing for me. go into Westwood where UCLA is and go to Diddy Reese and get an Ice Cream Sandwhich! I promise you, you will not be disappointed!

I lived in Venice Beach for a few years, go check that out for sure, fun beach to party on – muscle beach is there, the bball courts where the filmed White Men Can’t Jump, take a rollerblade to Santa Monica pier and check out the little seafood joint on the far side of the pier just as you come out of the tunnel at the top of the steps on the left. Also if you are going up to Malibu you HAVE to eat at Dukes, it’s on the left hand side of PCH in Malibu if you are heading north, wear something nice. Be on the lookout for many chicks w/ d!cks in H-wood, scary! LOL

thats wild, i lived in Culver City for a summer! I rollerbladed the venice beach to malibu run all the time… so nice

this California you guys are speaking of sounds like a cool place.



i go there in a month!!! i can’t wait

I def. miss the palm trees and the SUN and SAND and beach…I was out on that beach every day that I could, esp when I was working nights…I ran the Tony Romas up in Westside Pavillion!!! Small world…ever go and see the canals there in Venice or eat sushi at the Canal Club? That rollerblade route to SM was a sunday regular thing to go get bloody marys on the pier…usually coming home it was a little harder to stay upright lol I miss it soooooooo much…and to think I move to Pittsburgh to marry my hubby…he did something VERY right to make me move back east :boink LOL

well i picked up my rentat car… 300c and cruised up to la/holloy wood… checked out the overlooks… sign… blabla… no tourist… i mapped everything out
