I'm going to mexico and have a few questions...

So on a whim, I bought airfare to el paso, where my Grandma lives. Im going to borrow her car (new CTS :pimp: ) and i would like to venture into Mexico for a few days.

While I am there, I would like to buy a few bottles of tequila and rum. Is this something I can bring on the plane back? I assume that if I can bring it back, it would have to be in my checked luggage, not my carry on…

Im crossing into las palomas, which I guess is touristy, then I would like to drive up into the mountains. Has anyone been in this area before? Anything I should see/do? Things I should avoid (banditos?)

I guess my questions are vague, but if anyone has been to this area before and wants to share their experience, I’d appreciate it…

if youre going to be buying alcohol in mexico and bring it back over the border you have to declare it, if youre under 21 they will probably confiscate it, or you can risk hiding it. but yah you can put it in your suitcase when you fly home, just wrap the bottles in some dirty clothes to protect them. have fun!


Im over 21, so thats not an issue. Neither is declaring it, I’m a law abiding citizen… most of the time.

you’re flying US to US right? you cant carry on liquids on any flight, but you should be able to throw a couple bottles in your checked baggage. The only problem you might have is coming back over the border by car. I think it may have been a limit of 1 liter of booze per person. If that’s the case, you can take your chances, or not risk it.

If you’re driving a nice car, buy mexican auto insurance before you cross over. US companies don’t cover you there, and driving is spotty at best. People with shitty cars will rely on your defensive driving to keep you out of accidents if they see a halfway decent car with US plates, because it will fuck you a lot worse than it fucks them. Also, some of their roads are a little iffy, especially in rural areas.

Is the liquor better down there or something? How much money are you saving vs. buying it here? I thought the airlines freak about liquids now. You could always ship it, but I imagine it would cost a decent amount.

The tequila is…don julio anejo :beer2:

You’re fucked Carl. haha
I went to Reynosa Mexico last year. Im not going to lie, i did get scared. lol
You see a lot of poor people beggin’ you for money. I had to keep my digi close to me at all times so the fuckers dont snatch<–spl? it.

I had fun though.

I just got back from jamaica and i brought back a few bottles of jamaican rum… it is perfectly legal to put it in a checked bag. No problems for me.

MS-13 or MM is going to murder me

lol, I am not at all worried. Ill be leaving my DSLR at home and bringing a crappy point and shoot.

Also, any reccomendations as to what Tequila I should buy? im a alco-nOOb.

And Joe, Thank you for the info. I will look into it ASAP, as I am heading down in a few weeks…

And yes, my flight is US to US

One more question. I have looked this up, but if anyone can confirm this, I would appreciate it. I do not need a passport to go into Mexico by land, right? I think its only by air and sea that you need a passport…

Don Julio tequila…it’s about on par with Patron or maybe a little better.

make it a big road trip and come to cancun. I’m here until saturday

Do NOT drive the CTS over there unless you feel like getting car jacked or having it stolen.

liquor on the plane is fine as long as its not carrry on

dont drink the water

drink the water

I just showed them my Drivers license and thats it. Pretty much same shit as going over the border to Canada. I did walk though

Good luck

that is my primary concern. I would rather be driving some POS…

If the luggage is checked It has to be less than 140 proof (70% alcohol). Maximum of 5 liters…

But I would check with whoever your flying with but I believe thats the standard

Let us know how the water is.

Your grandma will miss her car.