I'm going to Vegas, baby!

15th-21st. I’ll post some pics, and some? :ninja private collection, lets just say that :lol

I’m going there in October. I got a suite in the Palms for 4 nights 5 days with a few of my buddies.

Shit is gonna get wild!

me and Vot are staying at Planet Hollywood. Got room comps, and some other good stuff. its good to know people :slight_smile:

…wonder if spitzer can hook us up :lol

SHIIIIIYEEEET, son. he in the next room, baby!

i wouldnt mind if she was around haha

i just got back from Vegas, spent 4 days, 5 nights there. enjoy the weather, its in the 80s now. it was a good time

thats what im looking forward to the most. i cant wait to get away from the cold! maybe we’ll bring some of the warm weather back w/us.

i didnt want to leave. the sun is so nice. :headbang

oh yeah, word of advice when your out there, be weary of any hookers if you get one. theyve had a medical issue out there where atleast 4 medical facilities have been REUSING needles on patients. they have claims of approx. 440,000 people who may be infected with Hep C, and or HIV… already have 10,000 confirmed cases… it was all over the news out there, so be careful… end public service announcment

What are you going to bring me back?!? :crackup

apparently hep-c or hiv!!!

well now that i know this my trip to vegas is off DAM!! :angry2

why is that?

did u read the whole thread hmm?