las vegas strip club.....

that’s where I am sitting… and my friend that I have brought here hasn’t came out of the v.I.p room in 30 min.

should I check on him?..

he’s either dead or getting the time of his life…

let him be for another 30 min

you’re in a strip club in vegas, and you’re posting on a mobile device…


posting from the crapper…

which one are you at? Seamless? If you’re posting from the crapper in Seamless i hate to inform you that you now have AIDS.


which one are you at? Seamless? If you’re posting from the crapper in Seamless i hate to inform you that you now have AIDS.


AIDS may be why he is crapping in the first place.


AIDS may be why he is crapping in the first place.


oh yeah…that’s right, my thread. Hope it’s not diarrhea, because “HIV is no picnic”


anyone at a stripclub posting on nyspeed officially sucks at life

Put your mobile device inside a vagina and take a pic,you will be redeemed.


Put your mobile device inside a vagina and take a pic,you will be redeemed.



I have been to every strip club in vegas… I have seen dancers all dam day. we only spent one hour at seemless. we are currently at rhino…we haven’t been to our room since we got here yesterday… I love watching the strippers drive the handicapped mens karts around . … still no sign of him

Dan, tell me you sampled the goods…


that’s where I am sitting… and my friend that I have brought here hasn’t came out of the v.I.p room in 30 min.

should I check on him?..


No you should be in there as well.


Cell phone pics for proof.

I have been to Vegas 10 years in arrow and all I have to say is Canadian>Vegas Strip clubs…


I uhh, know a guy who owns a… business… out there. Let me know if you need anything. We refer to him as baller Joe. :lol:

what a way to waste a day.

You’re in a Vegas strip club…on the internet?


Internet + Strippers =/= Heaven