Im just hoping derrick calls one of these days…dont see it happening soon but god do i miss having such a sweet job
if ya do get hired at valvoline, it is 8$ an hour, ive been there 2 years and i avg about 11, but the good part about it is that you spend 75% of the day sleeping, i worked 8am to 11am today and i did 2 cars, both inspections, which were like 4 minutes each
i think lasertron is hiring for like 8/hour plus bonuses each week.
lasertron is 10.25, people are constantly being fired and hired, its hard to get in there, they require HUGE dedication
i would ONLY work an 8$ an hour job if it was walking distance.
Adesa said they would hire me FT at $8 an hour, i almost laughed, it is an hour drive from my house, id spend $50 a week JUST in fuel to and from work.
If you have some type of skill or education, don’t settle for $8 an hour, that is for high schoolers.
edit: practice bar tending, and get a PT bar tending job, if you’re a bigger guy, look for a bouncer job, a young good looking person makes GREAT money in the service industry. Don’t let your sex play into your decision, i have plenty of guy friends who make very good money waiting/serving.
I’m going to get flamed for this but a smart move is to double dip. Find a kitchen that will hire you under the table. Make 200$/week cash and continue to collect unemployment. :tup: for continuing education.
OTB jobs are great, im not collecting unemployment but im a part time carnie in the summer =)
People like you are the reason the US is a shit hole.
would it make ya happy if i dragged my sac across your face?
=D giggity
3 hour shift?
Yep, but it’s $2800 per.
I just checked at the unemployment office to see if I can get some kind of money amount paid towards it, and she said there’s not much info she can give about it. So I’ll check with the school I went to tomorrow to see if they can do anything…
I paid 2800 for the cert I have now, in hopes of getting a job where my father works at API Basco, buuuutt they happened to fill up on welders right as I was a week from graduation. So that pretty well sucked.
I’ll try lasertron.
Thanks for all the input guys, lots of good info <3
lol im part time 25 hrs a week, need sumone to open
Is Derrick hiring at all in the near future. I’m kinda looking for an IT or web-design (preferably) type job. So I’m kinda hoping I don’t get a call back from Derrick.
That’s doubtful. They’ve only hired back one office employee that I’m aware of. I’m getting my real estate license and waiting it out. The market can’t get any worse so I might as well. Hopefully some people are taking advantage of the millions of foreclosures.
Once the massive expansion is done you may be able to get in over there. They will be hiring a lot of people to fill that space.
You may also want to try Rodgard, they are continually expanding and hiring.
Speak of the Devil guys…
a job for FT entry level welders just opened up @ 12/hr.
Going through adecco though… Meh.
Going to call them tomorrow.
Sent in the resume today.
edit; going to call rodgard tomorrow, thanks.
their website was pretty unhelpful.
There is an ITA (Individual Training Account) grant you can apply to through UE that will pay you about $1200 per semester/class, x 2, @2400 or close to it total, but you have to jump through some hoops.
Your first step is to find someplace you want to train at, and get a section 599 training application from unemployment. The 599 will make it so you don’t have to look for work as long as you are in an approved program.
Then you can apply for the ITA grant which consists of some essays and research and stuff. Your training has to be for an approved “demand occupation”, which I think welding is, I’d have to check…
Good luck…
edit: Welders and Cutters is a listed demand occupation.
Yeah I would have figured…Must be a ghost town there now. My first house may just be a foreclosure. There is money to be made on renovations.
Ah, thanks.
I know the place I would train at, so I’ll grab a 599 from unemployment office tomorrow then and see what that is about.
But first I suppose I should talk to my school and see if there’s open spots in an upcoming class ;o
I know BETC and VESID (or whatever that disability one is called) sends a ton of people there, so I would assume it’s an approved program… but this ill have to make sure of.