im not disappointed in myself anymore

im so surprised this hasnt been posted yet… herrrooo kittah

Pink ‘Hello Kitty’ gun shoots real bullets

edit for sucking at life

it has

see what happens when i cant get on during the day… ughh

Well duh, there’s no orange cap on the end… Sheesh… :poke:

oh… in that case… im re editing my title again… this was just on the news today hence why i was disappointed in you guys, cause it was actually mentioned on the news :ohyeah:

I read your title didn’t click the link… but/ could have just bumped the old thread… but whatever still wouldn’t own one… Ive thought about painting “you’ve been served” down the side of mine… lol

Edited: to explain… I’m a process server… I serve legal Documents… Divorces, House forclosers, 10 day notices to vacate… fun stuff


way to think that one through

im still disappointed in you.

yeah i wasnt sure where you were going with that either… wasnt sure if you were gonna break out in pop n lock after you shot someone or something

mehh im not worried bout you… i have incriminating pictures of you :wink:

hahahahaha none exist…what are you talking about :snky:

thats not cool. I can’t believe that dumbass in the interview justified it as the same as a standard finish weapon