im not racist but i have a question.

Belive me he’d have no problem doing it if he could, but he cannot pay taxes. If you are here illegally and do not hold a valid visa, or a social security card or whatever legal identification they give you you cannot pay taxes.

So to harp on someone that wants to live here legally, enjoy a job legally and all the benefits of living here legally, and is doing everything to do so just because they dont pay taxes because the legally cannot until they become a permanent resident is just dumb

There are a lot of immgirants here that I do not think should be, and some of them are here legally with open arms, and they are some of the worst offenders when it comes to legality. But there are some seriously good hard working people that would give you the shirts off their back because its the right thing to do that have such a hard time staying, while others from harsh drug trafficing countries can get here legally because they can somehow proove that if they go home they will be killed