im not racist but i have a question.

native americans were living here originally until we took their land…errrbody out, now!

I’ve never understood the logic behind being proud of something you have no control over (like skin color). How many people are proud to be 6ft tall or proud to have brown eyes? Being proud to be from a piece of land you happened to be born on is silly as well to me. You did nothing to attain these things.

You were saying…?

There is no way of telling how many immigrants pay taxes since there’s no clear number of how many are here. The ones that do file are paying under a stolen or made up SSN or tax ID number.

PJB: “The ones that do pay just use monopoly money. I used to play monopoly but I left it in the bed of my truck and it rained.”

Ryan Kramer

Hes 6 feet tall and proud.

So am I

Good job at reading.

“The IRS also has been issuing Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers, or ITINs, for 12 years to foreigners without a Social Security number. It’s believed that many workers who seek the ITINs are in the country illegally, and the IRS reported that there were 2.5 million tax returns filed with an ITIN in 2004.”

Yes, there were 9 million W2 forms that used mismatched names/SSNs, but it doesn’t say anything about stolen. Plus if the “stolen” numbers matched that of a citizen, then there’d prolly be quite the fiasco involved.

then thats 2 I know of.

BAM statistics just happened!

Did you not read the article?

IRS has a division dedicated to illigals paying taxes without a need for SSN. SSN agency itself estimates that 3/4 of illegals contribute to the tax system.

Look at the revenue numbers.

These guys voluntarily pay taxes even if nothin happens when they don’t while Americans sit there and bitch about tax and would LOVE to collect unemployment and work under the table at the same time.

You guys are ignorant as fuck. They come from a different culture where you should work hard and that’s a normal mental state and that it’s a proper thing to pay taxes even if not enforced. Plus they feel like they owe the courty for helping them establish a good living.

(don’t forget they also get taxes withheld from paychecks and they pay taxes on everything they buy)


If they felt they owed the country then why not come here legally instead of living in the shadows? You can sugar coat it all you want but they broke our laws in coming here.

Seems like it was a typical response from someone who was proven wrong.

  1. Say they don’t pay taxes.
  2. Get proven wrong by someone else, with proof.
  3. Complain that illegal immigrants had to steal SSNs in order to pay taxes.

Well I don’t see them being arrested. Why? Because they contribute to society and the country, more than those collecting welfare, unemployment, etc…

I’m willing to bet that most of them were here on a VISA which has since been expired.

I don’t care if they’re illegal or not, they are still required to be here in order for our economy to get better. Like others have said, they’ll do all the shitty jobs without complaining about shitty pay. They work their asses off, and their bosses know they’re getting what they are paying for. I’m sure many people on Shift would have a lot of explaining to do if their bosses found out they browsed Shift while getting paid to do work for the company.

I want to see what Shady has to say on the matter after he went off saying how his friend couldn’t pay taxes.

I’ve personally seen it numerous times and it’s frustrating.

I meet with a person of Mexican descent to sell him some equpiment for his shop. I spend hours with him going over specs, doing CAD drawings and filling our paperwork. I run his credit app. and his SSN is invalid. I ask him if he knows his SSN is invalid and he says well yeah because I’m an illegal. I can’t therefore get him financed and I lose the sale when I could’ve devoted my time to someone else. The worse part is they throw it in your face as if it’s not wrong and it’s bullshit.

Well paying the taxes would’ve been illegal, duhhhh.

So your hatred stems from stuff at work, semi-understandable. It’s a risk you take though, so take the bad with the good.

We broke many laws being established as a county.

Politicians break laws every day.

You break the law speeding while going into work.

American businesses and corporations break many many laws.

Everybody breaks the law by downloading material that doesn’t belong to them.

These guys risk their life and everything they had to come here and do honest labor.

So yeah “breaking the law” isn’t a very strong argument you got there.

Believe me if they really didnt contribute we would have had a national sweep done and ID checked on Mexican descent just like Airport security to get them all out. Clearly govt who is falling apart financially belives they contribute to economy and we would be worse off otherwise.