im not racist but i have a question.

The do get arrested. Our jails and legal system is overflowing with criminals that shouldn’t even be here in the first place.

Our economy can do just fine with immigrants that come here legally. The tsunami that comes over our souther border in the form of illegals hinders our economy by putting a huge strain on our social services.

Did you read the article that stated income figures or not?

What social services are illegals enjoying? Welfare? Unemployment? Ha!

Let me be clear and tell you I do not hate them. Most of them are decent, hard-working folks but something has to be done to control this problem but that answer I do not have.

LOL My company car is a Hyundai Accent and cannot do over 64mph.

So how does that stop it from speeding in a 30mph zone? :rofl

Barely a huge strain. As stated in the article, illegal immirants can not collect Social Security. Our jail and legal system is overflowing with all types of people, and illegal immigrants are only a small fraction of who is in the prison system:

Article from 2007 in the NY Times:

"In 2000, 27 percent of the inmates in federal prisons were noncitizens. Some of these noncitizens were illegal immigrants, and some were in this country legally. In 2001, this percentage dropped to 24 percent, and it continued dropping over the next four years, falling to 20 percent in 2005. "

“Over all — combining federal and state prisons — 6.4 percent of the nation’s prisoners were noncitizens in 2005. This is down from 6.8 percent in 2000.”

How about the millions in hospital bills that go unpaid caring for them. How about the education costs when they enroll in our schools. How about the cost of law enforcement in terms of policing and jail.

Unpaid? If they own a house they have to pay tax on it. If they rent, landlord covers the school property tax. Police are there one way or another being paid and have plenty of time sitting around doing nothing. Hospitals are overwhelmed by millions of Americans with no health insurance either way.

How about the billions in hospital bills that go unpaid caring for legal citizens?
How about the education costs when legal citizens enroll in schools and create disruptions in class (which hinders other students’ educations as well) or simply go through the motions and not doing anything with that education?
See my above post for jail reference.

Exactly so why would we want to add to it and the police on the southern border are outmanned and outgunned.

Well maybe govt should stop spending money on something that clearly doesn’t work.

while at it, get rid of TSA’s as well.

Or put heavier concentration on drug enforcement. (I assume that’s what you meant by outgunned as fence jumpers aren’t armed)

I agree 100%.

Actually does anybody else think we should just take over Mexico?

Solve the immigration problem, solve the drug smuggling problem (to a degree), Open up new potential for capitalism to do it’s work and excersise our extensive military budget.


Personally, I rather teach a Hispanic student over a White student. Hispanic students are more respectful and usually their parents are involved with their school work.

I’d rather teach a dog than any race of human lol

dogs don’t pay me that well. they only give me “biscuits” and fur as payment. :cry:

Well vlad aparently his immigration lawyer is an idiot then, because when I asked him about it he said that he could not have “legally” payed taxes without some form of valid identification which he did not have, and that if he had before he was going through the ringer to become legal it possibly would have gotten them tipped off sooner and that he would have been deported if my family did not sponsor him (We would not have put up 10g’s to sponsor him if we did not like him :rofl)

A short version of the story with my friend is… When he was 15-16 his parents sent him here to the states with friends, the family had gotten a passport for him telling them he was their son (now he knows how wrong that was but at the time he dident see the harm in it, I honestly don’t think he was planning on staying here at first, his dad was in a sort of “army” if you will and it was dangerous there at the time)

He ended up finding a job (yes under the table, but who hasent worked an under the table job at one point or another) and worked here obviously well past his Visa, he had contacted a local immigration lawyer and gave her a ridiciulous ammount of money to file the paperwork he needed to stay here legally.

Now to be honest I doubt he knew if at all he could get a Tax ID if you will before the Govt knew he was here, and even if he did im sure he was worried that something might happen to him if he had set this up and maybe would have been deported on the spot, shit I’d be afraid of that too.

Anyways, eventually this “lawyer” had stopped contacting him and he could not get ahold of her. He and his ex girlfriend got into a fight and she tipped off Immigration that he was here, they STORMED into his apartment, it was nuts to be honest, cant belive it went down as fast/hard as it did for something so minor IMO.

Upon going to immigration they could not find a single piece of info about him or if any papers had been filed etc. He aparently is not the first immigrant this woman has ripped off, who are they going to tell right? All he had was some BS card with a fake name and phone number that no longer worked.

Now he has a legit immigration lawyer, currently does have a tax ID for his buisness in which he pays taxes through etc…

Vlad im not trying to start a pissing match, this is just what I have seen and heard with my own eyes from being right in the immigration court in Buffalo to which I have made the trip a few times, and my father has been there 5 times so far.

Yess they make you drive all the way to buffalo from here to spend anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours in the courtroom.

shady nobody reads your posts

Oh man… you read my mind

I feel like an ass because Shady seems like good people but I always skip the Shady rants:lol

It’s cool I dont really care. Just answering vlads question, dragged on a little bit but I don’t care. I have a family therfore I have nothing better to do on a friday night when the little one passes out early.

Very seldom do I take anything anyone says on here personally or let it aggravate me.

Plus I get along with most of these schmucks in person, chucks good people