im not stuped

i as well though it was quite funny all the grammar mistakes make all my mistakes seem umm not to bad lol lol makeing=making haha and gos =goes comensense=common sense haha oh well not everyone has spell check. i guess a word of advise download google chrome as you’re search eng and it will automatically spell check things for you OP. and next time you have a thread about people talking “shit” make sure all grammar and well just everything like cross you’re t’s and dot you’re i’s b4 u bash on p speed members because all it will do in the end is really pi$$ you off because now you will recieve ripped a$$ because you cannot spell like at all. now you have gave everyone info to tear you apart. prevent the a$$ tearing and buy a grammar book

I think this is real… I thought at first it was a hoax, but now Im almost certain this is for real.

You’re still a retard too. Fist yourself.

so what if i do lick windows its fun ! blkp42e hey hire the retarded they are fun to watch

Even retards don’t want him in there club

no we dont hahaha. you are just mad that you cannot be so special lol lol

who are you

who me? who are you

don’t come in here trying to steal the retard’s thunder. go away

maybe he made another name so he could bash himself

no. not new screen name i have been a member but not on all the time. just came on today because i am bored sorry for taking you’re spotlight OP lol lol lol i just enjoy the humor of pittspeed that is all

my bad if i would of just looked to the side i would of seen that


Would of?


god damn it i fucking go away and miss all the good shit on here…you all fucking suck twat

i like ur twat … i drank this beer that was heavy


i dont know the name, some german place… haseelhoff or some shit liek that … hail to pitt

Haufbrau House or whatever the fuck… I had like tem of those fuckers tanite amd now im speelin like james18ls11111111111111111111111

had a big boy glass of that dark shit and two little guys… buck 50 me was feeling nicety…

btw cogo’s pizza was the shiiiiit at 1 am… vesuvio is too far from ss works in the freezing rain…