im not stuped

i went to school with this ass hes a couple years younger but im pretty sure he really was in sped class… and i think i made him cry on the bus when he was talking shit and his mommy came to my house to yell at me… but she ended up giving me $10 to let her suck on it

Cutty knows about Hofbrauhaus?

I guess it’s time to find a new bar.

theres a place called pegasus…its right up ur alley.

It must have been you!

My friend Lance said he met a guy on Craigslist who asked him to meet there. He used some really unflattering words to describe his blind date, including “midget”, and said the guy was fixated on Central Catholic football players (and their tight asses).

You know you’ll never impress the gays with a 25 year old G-body, right?

At this rate you’re just going to have to keep paying that Guatemalan tranny at the Greyhound station every week.

you bring up his clean Gbodys but what again do you drive? but now before you go rambling on about how your eco friendly pizza delivering tree huggin ass shit box you call a car is so much greater then his rides, how about get new material. Besides fags ppl much rather have his clean rides then shit boxes of kia

Oh no! You and Cutty teaming up? I’ll be overwhelmed by the combined might of your fantastic wit!

lol, youre right. Youre such a genius, i must bow down to you and praise the ground you walk on all mighty one.

Glad we have that settled, lol.

You know I have no issue with you at all. I remember you helping me out, on Valentine’s Day, when I first joined the board. I break Cutty’s balls because I literally cannot stop myself; It’s like the tale of the frog and the scorpion.


ya i remember that when the blazer almost slid off the hill. that was one icey driveway

but in his defense his Gbodys are clean!!! i would sport them just need some real power plants

I just started reading this thread, but I can tell you that the following 8+ pages after this post are probably hilarious.

Nice job Corky.

if your mother would have been smart enough to use a coat hanger we wouldnt be listening to your dumb ass.

laugh out loud

this thread is still going on? hahahahahahahaha wow…uti thats awsome…NOT

this whole thread is a mess… but LOL at that ^

wow simply wow…you know its going to be a good read when no one said to ban him on like the third page…