I'm one of those bungholes that...

brake really early into everything. I’d say that when I’m coming up to an intersection I brake maybe 5-10 seconds earlier than everyone else, and the ride is nice and smooth, and sometimes I make it so that I can’t even feel myself stop, as in I don’t brake suddenly.

Now… I’m conflicted as to how much wear I give to my brakes, because the more I think about it, I’m pretty much just riding on them at times… possibly. I hope not but I think so.

I hate harsh aggressive stopping unless its on the track, so the question is, is this a bad habbit? The ride is as smooth as possible…

teach this noob some new tricks will ya?


  • Billy

Where do you live? Thank you in advance.

Meh, if the amount of extra wear your causing is even noticeable - which i highly doubt - all your doing is reducing the life of your pads by say a couple weeks. Unless your running 8 pot brembos with $500 pads, i dont really think your wallets going to feel any difference.

BTW, I dont know what it is about it but whenever I’m driving anything other then my 240 I do the same thing, the sensation of expecting a jolt when you come to a dead stop, even a small one, but it not coming amuses me everytime.

I sit in other peoples cars and they brake pretty aggressive, and i’m just not a fan. If I see a red light in the distance I don’t even bother gassing it to the red light, i just coast, mostly at nights when no one is around of course. I don’t see the point in gunning it all the way to the lights.

My gf tells me that she hates sitting in my car cause she can never stay awake, so, its kind of a good thing for me haha

brake pads are 50-100$ dont worry about it… its all about comfort imo… just drive how u are… if u think about it… stomping hard on ur brakes wears it out aswell… if u want u can use engine braking… to slow u down…

dw about it

actually, I think once I hear that hard, but short braking actually wears your pads slower… IIRC the slow braking kinda glazes them. but I could be wrong

I do the exact same thing, my bro only has his skyline and he is up ppls asses braking at the latest possible time all the time.
I am with you where you want a smooth ride and no jerk when u come to a stop. Now with the gas prices I barely even push the gas and drive like a grandma letting the auto tranny shift at like 2.5k or before.
There is no point in racing to every light and then ramming the brakes to be able to stop in a daily driver.

I don’t brake that early, but I let off the gas and engine brake very early. If I see a red light, that I know will not turn green by the time I get there, I always let off the gas completely. It annoys the shit out of others, but I don’t care :smiley:

I can’t believe this thread actually exists.


^^ Now that I can believe in.

In my opinion, braking over a longer period is much more efficient than sudden braking. The reason is simple, and it all has to do with the fact that energy can neither be created or destroyed, but rather only change forms.

If you anticipate a stop, say, 100m in advance and decide at the very least to let off the gass and coast in neutral, then you save the fuel that otherwise would have been consumed to maintain your speed until just prior to jamming on the brakes and stopping.

If you cost from 100m out, the coefficients of friction from, just to list a few, wind resistance, road to wheel, wheel to bearing and perhaps dragging brake pads, will all naturally slow you down. These resistive forces are always acting on your vehicle, so, the faster you can anticipate a stop and let off the gas, the more gas and brake ware you will save.

When you hit the brakes, the kinetic energy of your moving vehicle is transformed into heat and noise in and around your brakes and tires. The faster you stop, the more heat and noise that is produced over a shorter period of time and distance. It’s more efficient on all of your braking components, and tires, to dissipate the kinetic energy of your vehicle movement over a longer distance and period of time. The temperatures of all moving parts don’t get as hot and therefor don’t diminish as quickly.

Its all physics, think about the opposite. What’s more efficient? accelerating from 0 to the speed limit as fast as your vehicle possibly can or accelerating over a longer period of time and distance at a slower rate of increase?

Anyway, Its Friday, I’m bored, and I can’t wait for the F’n weekend.

Haha, I would avoid making overly technical posts like that if I were you. It just tempts people in the field to debunk them. Just friendly advice, take it any way you will :wink:

Hey, thats just my take. If you know otherwise, enlighten us. after all, its a discussion forum.

Well, not to say that the general concept of it is incorrect, but there’s details here and there that I could pick at. For one, neutral coasting is not more efficient. Leaving it in gear and engine braking is. When you neutral coast, your car pumps in fuel to maintain an idle, where as when you leave it in gear, your revs are being sustained by the car’s motion, and the motor runs without any fuel being injected into it.
Also, more heat in your brakes isn’t necessarily a bad thing, depending on the type of pad you’re running. Some require a higher heat range than others to be effective. If you’re running track, or semi-track pads on the street (which you prolly shouldn’t anyway), you would need to heat them up to get them to work well.

IMO, it was just a case of misjudging how technical the conversation is. The reason why that’s a problem, is because when you all of a sudden get too technical, people think you’re showing off, and want to prove you wrong, just because.

Your probably right, a logical explanation to encourage practical everyday driving, was obviously a bad idea.

Sorry to everyone who has read my banter. In the future, I’ll try to avoid “misjudging how technical” my contribution should be, as to avoid any kind of “a problem”.

Anyway, Drunkmunky, I think you probably get the general idea.

Classy. I was just trying to give you helpful advice. Clearly, you’re far too educated to need it.

Why don’t you direct your helpful advise to the thread topic instead of shitting on the participants.

Feel free to give me your advice in any thread that I’ve asked for it.

I did, it’s a couple of posts above yours.
And I WAS trying to help you, not shitting on you at all. If you go around talking like that when someone asks a simple question, you WILL get shit on, you’re BEGGING to get shit on. There’s a lot of people in this world, and there’s always someone that knows more than you, and the majority of them get pretty peeved when people try to flaunt what they know. You’ll realize this sooner or later, when you’re wondering why people are so hostile, when you’re just trying to be helpful. I was trying to help you avoid that situation.
Everyone hates it when people show off, and will take any opportunity to bring you down a notch if they can.

While I’m at it, here’s another piece of helpful advice, you need way thicker skin. People are gonna have a field day with you if you get ruffled over minor shit like that. I know because I’ve been there, and learned my lesson. Now I get to tell it to someone that still hasn’t. It’s pretty much the only benefit of getting old :smiley: