i'm so SIQQQ!

Define “nig.”

And I don’t goto Fredonia, Moron. Apparently you didn’t learn the first time when I told you all I was doing was feeding you bullshit.

Cool. Case closed.

I hope you enjoy the stickers. 2 fell off the otherday. I thought about it for a minute, then walked away. Kinda like what you need to do from the keyboard every so often.

I agree, when you get worked up a lot, sometimes it is a good idea to walk away for a moment so you make a more concise and the post is…you know…proper english.

Whats wrong with working at a snowboard shop? It’s not like I don’t enjoy a free seasons pass to anywhere in ny. Or free shit everyday. Works for me… BTW if anyone needs tune ups done, get them in tomorrow before the november price comes into effect. Or just find me and I’ll give you a better price.

Nothing at all, where did I say there was something wrong with that? I worked at a snowboard shop for 2 seasons and I loved it. Stop putting words in my mouth, I already told you I wasn’t really tryin to start shit with you.