im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

i came home from school before, and they had my street informally blocked off to clear all the trees. so i pull up, and the one worker walks over and says:
“the streets closed, turn around!”
me: “well, i live in that gray house right there”
him: “will, i gues you’re not going home anytime soon, we’re gonna be a while”
me: “ok”

i roll up the window, take the Blazer around and partiall though the huge pile of tree stuff in the middle of the road, over a curb, over my neighbors lawn (which National Grid ripped the shit out if with thier truck to begin with), over my front lawn, and into my driveway. i got out, walked up my front steps, and looked back and saw the guy just glaring at me, so i flipped him off and walked inside. i have to leave to go back to school in about 20 minutes, and they’re still there, so i plan on leaving the same way :smiley:


lol… i would have done the same thing…

well not in my tc…


niceeeeee :tup:

if you go the same way… i want an update if that guys says or does anything

a rock fell out of one of those fuckers trucks and put a huge crack in my windshield. think i can get any reparations? I have the plate number and stuff…


yes you usually can, i did it with a DOT truck and they just cut me a check for my deductable (if u have one) if u dont have one its tougher cuz your insurance should eat it without any charge to you, but u can just lie to them and tell them u have 100 bux glass or even no glass coverage and see what happens

I’m sure they’re going to take extra good care of your debris/lawn/property now. :tup:

give the info to your insurance company they will most likely go after that company for you. if you have glass coverage you won’t pay a dime.

it was already done haha. im about to leave, and they’re still there…

bring a video camera… i wanna see this

what is your avatar.


it’s tea…and a c… “tc” :slight_smile: creative huh? i drive a tc

that doesn’t look like tea… it looks like a glass of blue water and a coach necklace


talk to jon about that aaron!!! :wink: i think it’s beautiful

heh, yeah what about those assholes dropin branches all over the place on the roads… i haven’t hit one in my car yet…but at work the otherday i nailed a big branch while driving a new tundra… if it was any other car …the car woulda needed a new bumper

The guy in the blue Grand Marquis was being such a princess about that blockade. I managed to go down a side street and get between them and he wouldn’t let me exit the blockade. :frowning: I took his picture after he was done telling me no and he was smiling but I forgot to save it.

This is true, and like Rob said just give the info to your insurance company and they’ll give you a claim number to give to the glass repair shop you go to. In any case, the glass ins. part of your policy (or at least mine) doesn’t have a deductable like colision, theft, etc.

whatever you say ms bluewater coach :wink:

I think it’s Mrs. Hpnotiq In A Designer Glass to you!

Can’t just let them do their job for a little while? That’s a pretty messed up story.