im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

lol. nice

I did the same thing yesterday. The guy told me i couldn’t pull into my driveway which was already cleared, and they were 50 yards down the road… I had to get a file and go back to work, so i just offroaded it through the oldfolks home front yard and hooked in the driveway. I expected him to come yell at me but he just got back into his truck and commenced doing nothing.


Walking. Its good for. A lot of people can use a walk or 1074326487126 too.

What, it would have taken you an extra 5 minutes? O wait! Then you wouldn’t have had so much time on NYSPEED.


I hope you did a burnout when you pulled out of your driveway.
You show them motherfuckers.

lol, seriously just park and walk

stupid threads are starting to piss me off

the only way this story would be sweet is if you were delivering pizzas… :smiley:

yea man thats kinda fucked up.

Im in the guard and the first few days after the storm i was blocking streets a little bit. I had some asshole run our traffic controll point and almost hit one of the MP’s out there… needless to say that guy still has a pile of trees in his front yard

hell yea sounds quite enjoyable lol

I think its retarded how they have to block intersections to allow the convoy of recovery trucks thru the stoplights. Why? So they can get back to the Eastern Hills Mall maybe 5 minutes earlier? It wouldn’t heart them one bit to just wait at the light, and let us who also have schedules, get through the light.

they moved down the street enough when i left that i got out no problem. normally, i wouldnt have done this, but the guy had an asshol-ish tone to his voice and almost started to laugh a little bit when he said ‘i guess you’re not getting home for a while.’ if he would have been jsut a little bit nicer and said ‘well, we’re gonna be a while, so if you dont mind waiting.’ or something to that effect, i would have gladly parked and walked. but as far as my street is concerned, that cleanup crew is 0-3 today…there was my little off-roading expedition, my neighbor across the street came out asked them to move the truck so he could get out of his driveway, and when they said no, he flipped a shit and started screaming at him about his tax money. and then the guy operating the claw picker upper thinggy must have it the wrong button cuz as he was swining it around to dump the tree stuff in the dumptruck, the claw released right abouve a car parked at the bottom of a driveway, and well i think u get the idea what happened there… i felt bad for whoever’s car it was (didnt recognize it as a neighbors car) but i lauged my ass off when i saw that.

get the address and send Jammo

yeah i had a similar experience but it was a verizon truck blocking my drive way and he was real nice about it and we chatted about my car for a little bit he liked it and thought it was sweet if i was able to drift it but i told him fwd doesnt drift all too well. he was done in about 20 mins and he left while my car was still parked on the street. but the town came by and started to fly down the streets pushing branches and small trees where it could have easly done about a grand in damage. and didnt even tell me to move my car so i went out and did it myself. but mike that wasnt the smartest idea should have just went back to school and hanged out like most college kids do. you make posts seem like its life and death with you just chill and do something else or walk to your house from a street near by.

For real, the level of maturity and the overall idiocy of some of the threads here are just ridiculous. It just totally takes away from the whole concept of a credible car forum.

leave then. a forum built on street racing. what do you expect.

You blame him for expecting people to not be retards (not referring to this thread, guy sounds like a dick, so it seems semi-deserved), just because it’s a car forum?

T-up to the workers. Nobody here wants to see 6ft high brush piles along every steet for another two months…

Joe > whoever you are

Man, who the fuck are you? Off topic threads here and there, or even just in genreal, are one thing, but dumb ignorant shit like this should piss anyone off. It’s amazing how some people can applaud stuff like this, and promote it by making dumb fucking threads about it on a CAR forum. Like we’re suposed to be impressed that some clown just blantantly disgregards people trying to clean up this town (something that all too often is just plain inherently ignored) after that disaster. It’s stupid, not even remotely funny, immature, and people like you accepting it, makes it even worse. And this isn’t a rant, in any sense, this is just the sad truth.

i just think its amusing that i dont even know you(mikeri24), yet i can piece together everything you do with yourself based on the threads you start.

1 lame story here and there is one thing, but everytime something even slightly out of the ordinary happens during your day you make a mad dash for the computer to post it here.

i think i speak for more then just myself when i say that i just dont give a shit.

sorry mods for lashing out and possibly starting some sort of drama, i will not respond anymore in this thread. I just had to voice my opinion at some point. peace