im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

the workers need to find their way to my street.


ChevyChase (a huge n00b) telling people to leave ftl.

“streets closed pizza boy, find another way home”
“dam street racers”

Considering this is in OFF-TOPIC, this shouldn’t even remotely been taken to extreme seriousness. If you don’t like the topic of a thread you didn’t start or aren’t involved in, then stay the hell out of it. It’s not like replying to it with something stupid and negative about one’s story is going to increase your post count. If nobody likes the thread, then nobody should have replied to it. Maybe you don’t give a shit, but seriously, it’s not cool to flame people about stuff in Off Topic. I’m not defending Mike, I’m just letting you know what I think about it.

wow, sorry to piss people off. and never once did i say i was ungreatful for these people helping clean up, so im not sure where that came from. i dont know why people think im hating on the workers, or how this even got started on a ‘keep this shit out of the car forum’ discussion. perhaps this was a ‘you had to be there to understand’ type situation, but this is also not the first time in recent days that i have seen these cleanup crews be inconsiderate and rude to the common people. and for the record, if the street was closed, they did a very poor job of warning drivers about it. they didint even have cones set up at the end or anything, so i guess you were supposed to just know this, or if you didnt you had to deal with a rude worker. my street, while residentail, is heavily used by a lot of people commuting back and forht from UB noth and south, and i think at one point, there was a line of about 6 cars at the end of the street all trying to back up and make 3-point turns in an area that was very small due to all of the debris being dumped in the street. and again, i realzie that they are probably not farmilair with the area and would have no idea that my street is heavily traveled durring the day, but that is not an excuse to skip precautions of putting up some kind of warning so people know the street is either closed or there is work going on ahead.

as far as the off topic thing goes, if this is a car forum, then why do we even have an off-topic section? and if you don’t like off-topic, nothing says you have to look at it. last i checked, the main page displays an index off all of the forums, and you can pick and choose which ones you want to look at. if you dont like off-topic, then dont look at it!

and at the same time whoever took the time to actually read this thread and disagree’s with it has the right to flame him/her for being retarded. I see what you are saying, but i also agree with boardjnky4 on this one.

inconsiderate? rude? WTF are you smoking. I dont think you realize what they are doing for our communities here. I know a few county workers, they’re bustin ass around the clock workin 12-14hr shifts to clean this crap up in a timely matter. I ended up chattin with a few workers last night at a diner @ around 1:30, they were going on 13hrs straight.

Dude theyre not going to drop what theyre doing every 20 seconds so a car can go by. They were on my street this morning, and i ended up making a U turn to leave on the other end because they were blockin the street up. Big F’in Deal man. I didnt drive over the neighbor’s lawn and flip them the bird. Real fuckin mature idiot

Yeah I’m a dick. I’m also 18, I guess that comes with the package. And if people stopped me from getting to my home, I would of done the same. And can leave if you want. No one is forcing you to read here, stay in the automotive section. I’m not friends with many people on here, but there is an off topic section to shoot the shit. I’m sure in the winter time off topic will be roaring. That was a rant. You didn’t make yourself look any better. Thats the sad truth.
And it’s the internet dude. Take a chill pill while others exersize their ability to use free speech.

he is practicing free speech, to point out how bad you suck. But you seem to be doing a good job on your own

When I want you’re opinion, I’ll rattle your cage!

You’re still are dumb as hell.

Comes with the package…
The sad part is, you meant that.


You must have a very large brain, to hold so much ignorance.

Did I spell that out perfectly for you?

There is no vaccine against stupidity.
You’ll have to deal with me. Bitches

In your world of slang I’m glad you picked up on that. I figured an alarm went off on your computer telling you there was a spelling error somewhere in the world.

That would be a grammatical error, captain.

Thanks alot guy.

LOL @ don

didnt this kid learn his lesson already? at least he will make for an interesting winter

“Alot” isn’t a word, but you’re welcome.

Remember the last time this happened?

It ended with you pretty much going

“hahah, just kidding guys, Gotcha.”

Is this going to become a regular thing?
You know, Where you make a total and complete ass of yourself on a public forum?
I am just wondering.

in for response