lightning sucks!!!!!!!!!!

2 hours ago lightning struck my garage. it started a pretty bad fire everything in there is gone. my thousands upon thousands of dollars in remote control car stuff is now one giant ball of melted plastic and aluminum. thousands of dollars in tools all my diagnostic stuff is ruined. ill go more into detail later. luckly my neighbor had a axe so i could break down the door and get my dads 06gt(blah blah blah its a mustang i dont care its my dads prized possesion) out. i just cant believe this happend pics are on there way when i get a chance. iam happy we didnt attach the garage to the house when we built the house in 04

thats shitty man


Homeowner’s insurance?

wow. what terrible luck

shitty mang.

GL with everything.

dude, that really sucks! sorry to hear.

(but lightning is still sweet)

homeowners insurance FTW… good luck with that

Sorry to hear it.

I hope your folks spent the extra few dollars on a good insurance policy. Even if they hadn’t, homeowners should take pretty good care of you.

Trust me, it’s shitty now, but it could have been alot fucking worse.


No es bueno :frowning:

that blows joe… sorry :frowning:

Sorry to hear man.

Whoa! That sucks!


yea all r possesion are covered so is the structual. theres a agent on the way now. we have insurance but it doesnt cover the fact the sentimental value of everything. my one rc truck was 400 brand new i easily put a grand into it.i raced that truck every sunday with my father. and it is one big ball. the tools i dont care about. everything thats not in my box at work is craftsman or used mac stuff. accept my 300 dollar dvom but i dont use that one much. my 700 dollar pile of shit craftsman box leans horribly lol. oh well i am extremly thankful it didnt strike the house my sister and my nieces were home and i dont even wanna think about what could of happend. theres a pretty sweet burnoput mark from my garage to where i parked the mustang.

ouch. where was this?

Holy fuck, that royally sucks ass. At least homeowners will cover part of it, but still that fucking sucks. :frowning:

Pics of burnout :slight_smile:

Holy shit Joe! Sorry to hear that happened man. Really sorry! At least you saved the stang.

BTW, I take it that TV’s gone, oh well.

AHAHA NO that tv still was in wheatfield i am going to buy some plywood now fucking people in this town keep driving by and looking some mother fucker was standing in my back yard.

wow sucks man sorry 2 hear