lightning sucks!!!!!!!!!!

Definitely sucks when something like that happens, but luckily you had homeowners on all your possessions otherwise.

Glad to hear nobody was hurt either, but remember even though there is sentimental value on stuff, they are still just possessions and it’s a lot better that those get ruined than losing someone in your life.

GL and hope it all turns out for the best.

ouch that really sucks mang. shoulda parked the balt in there after pulling hte mustang out.

Wow, sounds like you’ve got a pretty healthy attitude about it all. Shitty though. :tdown:

My fiance’s family owns a lightning protection company.
It’s well worth looking into, they even sell a do-it-yourself kit.

that sucks

when are pics goin up?

damn … my parents heard fire trucks in the area real close … but damn thats close to my house

Damn man. Real sorry to hear that. :frowning:


everything thats not in my box at work is craftsman or used mac stuff.


I dare you to take some melted craftsman tools back to Sears and see if they replace them, lol.

i bet they would. pics of aftermath are tomorrow. pics i had of the garge smoking are postponed till my phone works(when i was standing waiting for the fire trucks i got soaked and so did my phone.) the police are patrolling now because someone tryed to break in. people are un fucking believable these days.

yep the sheriffs are out i was pulled over. i went out driving for awhile and on my way home i went slowy by ur house just to check it out but it was dark and i could not see anything … just after i took a left at the stop sign onto jagow i got pulled over and questioned and ended up getting a tint ticket…

ugh, that sucks joe, sorry to hear :tdown:

b0o0o0o :tdown: trade the cobalt in on a ford lightning!

oh dam joe, that sux…hope everything works out


the police are patrolling now because someone tryed to break in. people are un fucking believable these days.


^, wow , just wow. i would stay up just to watch them, with a gun.

sorry to hear.

not at all uncommon. we had an “emergency enclosures” guy out the night of ours, basically boarded up all the new openings.


yep the sheriffs are out i was pulled over. i went out driving for awhile and on my way home i went slowy by ur house just to check it out but it was dark and i could not see anything … just after i took a left at the stop sign onto jagow i got pulled over and questioned and ended up getting a tint ticket…


yea i didnt know till i got home and i was doing 75 80 down sy and saw the reflections on the car.

more pics coming the fire was in the addicty of the garage
