lightning sucks!!!!!!!!!!

Happened to me when I lived with my parents. Sucked, and ins co’s suck. If you dont have before pics or reciepts of what you had, it’s a huge hassle.

^ not true at all. depends on the insurance policy.

Good luck Joe, call me with any questions


^ not true at all. depends on the insurance policy.

Good luck Joe, call me with any questions


^ true, My parents insurance company was awesome when our house got struck by lightning, they almost seemed like they were ready to give us extra money for things. And we cleaned house when the October storm hit. They were giving us money for everything they could think of…

Insurance guy: “How many hours did it take you to clean out all the tree branches”

Me: “Only about an hour”

Insurance Guy: “Sure it wasn’t more like 5-6 hours”

Me: “No, I got it done pretty quick”

Insurance Guy: “Yeah… I’m gonna right down about 6 hours of labor for debris removal”

He was doing that with everything he could find, we made out like bandits.

Joe, who do your parents have for insurance?

Ditto, state farm did an excellent job covering damages to our pool during the october storm too.

holy crap joe…sorry to hear :frowning: r they stupid? lol


^ not true at all. depends on the insurance policy.

Good luck Joe, call me with any questions


True in my case. I lived with my parents, I was 18 yrs old. I had a lot of collector items that are tough to put a price on. All my “life time” snap on tools were pro rated, I was told, we’ll only give you xx amount. If you want what the snap on tools cost, buy them first and give us the reciept. Then they’ll make the final desicion. I though ins replaced what you had, not only if you buy the exact same replacement items?

i thought we were going to see peel out strips.

wow, that blows joe


i thought we were going to see peel out strips.


if you really want to see burnout marks come to my street, you know where it is


Ditto, state farm did an excellent job covering damages to our pool during the october storm too.


State Farm>*

sorry to hear :frowning:


i thought we were going to see peel out strips.


there on the pavement but there not really noticeable anymore i think iam going to have to do it again lol.
oh and this i got this off my phone( trying to get a phone pic off your phone without a screen is pretty hard


if you really want to see burnout marks come to my street, you know where it is


on your face?

sucks to hear joe atleast get your moneys worth from insurance.

wow i just saw this post, sorry to hear about this.

that’s horrible. i think i read about it in the paper. in the city & region, unless that’s another house that got hit too.

sorry to hear that dude! that really blows!

damn joe… thats some random shit. Sorry to hear about your shit getting ruined :tdown:


I though ins replaced what you had, not only if you buy the exact same replacement items?


Depends on wether or not they bought a ‘replacement’ value rider. If people buy the cheapest policy available, then they prolly didn’t have that option.

Replacement value:
$1k toolbox that is 4 yrs old maybe worth $600 cash. So you get $600 cash.
If you submit a receipt for a new toolbox (to replace the lost one) @ $900, you will receive a check for $300.

Sorry to hear Joe…i’m glad your family was ok!