im thankfull for the people helping to clean up the mess from the storm, BUT...

I admire you because I’ve never had the courage to be so cool, correct people, and bust a beat.

So you’re admitting to this being a public forum yes?

And by this, allowing people like me, correct?

And yeah that was good times. It’s in my favorites.

It’s cool, I guess everyone needs to look up to someone in life.

Everyone needs a hero. I’m your number one boy!

EDIT: actually i’m trying out this new thing

thought it might help me out, maybe even all of us!

I don’t even know what to say something so fucking stupid.

Put an NWS next to that link too, for the cubicle crew tommorrow morning.

i don’t understand why you needed to bring your family into this…

look if you want your dick sucked, you’re trying way too hard.

i work at roadhouse grill on the blvd. and every night 10 minutes berore closing time they would come in. at least 20 of them. we ran out of all our expensive steaks 2 days after they started coming because thats all the ordered. THe state is paying some very nice food bills.On sundat we had a party of 33 of them and there bill was like 1400.00

who got that tip!!???!

wait… what?!

Well, on the plus side you got rid of your retarded signature.

yeah seriously.

“Dez be minz motha nukka kix niggaz.”

is not funny by any means.

actually they split the table between 2 girls and one was my girlfriend i think she made like 150 off it

Obviously I should of changed that when the gangster thread. Oh I was making fun of whiggers and black people by the way on that sig.

Can I be your sidekick? I have the LG8100! It Flips! It wont suck my dick tho.

Thats a nice haul. That has to happen by luck. Either that or those two girls are really good at handling huge orders!! Man, I thought $20 was a lot for working on a team riders bike!

Shut the fuck up worthless.

Haha, I think I’ve offended somebody. Want a cookie?

I think you are also missing a comma in there somewhere?

Quoted for truth.

No, you weren’t.
Just plain fucking stupid.

You have to be one of the most ignorant little kids I’ve ever seen post on here.

You aren’t funny, you aren’t proving anything, and you certainly aren’t looking intelligent.

Fucking racist. Go hang out in Williamsville.

Yeah. So?

Little. Arn’t you like 4 foot jack shit?

I became a rasist when some splib took my Cannondale Chase out of my garage, where then I chased him down and beat the fuck out of him. Cheektowaga cops arrested him, I was told by the cops that I did a good thing. Funny how the world works. Rollin Dirty!