Import Fest

i’ll be going… ahhh good ol’ father son rituals, lol… i’ll stop by thy TN setup

TN and Raceready went with 4 cars and took home 4 trophies.

Good stuff! :R

Thanks to all who stopped by, off the top of my head, blade, farmer, mitch, gabe, varun, dan, paul, stephan, bog, ryan, and ofcourse, ricky, mikey, and vince.

Hopefully pics will be up soon.

yah guys thanks alot for comming was a great but tiring night… All 4 Members took home awards. RaceReady 2 TNC 2. Pretty cool
people took alot of pictures hope you post them up… make a new thread :slight_smile: im dead tired.

RaceReady 1st and 2nd, heh.

Just got home, sooo tired.

lol i hear you man i had to drive 1 hour back home hehe… sucked. im dead tired and ready to drop. but hope we can see pics soon :stuck_out_tongue: im excited…post yours up tomorrow… i cant even keep my eyes open lol… just finishing my dinenr and im off to bed.

Alright alright, teaser pic before I go to bed.

ok ok another one with our awards :smiley:

nice. lets see more (guess i gotta wait for tomorrow)

MUHAHAHAHA i have those girls e-mail addy’s :R anyways ill post all the pix i get from the girls and my stupid cam which the batteries died on me due to the perv’s who kept pushing me when i was taking pix of the cars and girls :mad: most of the pix will be crappy “sorry guys” but i think i took some nice ones with my models cams.

Gratz to you guys for winning i wish i could have stayed but no car no ride :frowning: hope i’ll have an s13 up soon.

Nice to meet the guys i havent met before RaceReady an the DC, hope you liked the models i brang. i know mikey did “Perv” :stuck_out_tongue:

Tk you still owe me a couple.

here’s the pics i took.

more pixxx

even more pixxx

plent more

and im done posting…

congrats to the TNC winners from Importfest!

Congrats Maybe next year my car will be entered for jokes. But I’ve heard if you didn’t own a 350,240 or Skyline you were screwed in Nissan categories. Was this true?

That’s what I’ve heard as well.

If you don’t get 5 of any type of vehicle, then you get grouped into “general nissan” which is 350z/Skyline winning all the time.

There were 6 240s at the show.

Nice pics Ryan, thanks for all your help setting up etc. over the two days as well.

np phil, anytime man. hopefully next year i can actually make it out at shows with my car :D, if i have one

awsome pics man…