I know, I clicked on this thread thinking that was what it was going to be about. Instead it was all about Quik spouting off about the superiority of domestics.

import motor in a domestic?

I say RB26 in a late-70s Trans Am.

sr20det in a full size white truck with blue stripes. That way it may be fast someday.

Domestics have John Force I don’t see 4 cylinders beating that machine down the track there is no replacement for displacement.If NISMO means Nissan Motorsports then wouldnt HONDA be HOMO? I don’t really have a car that I can brag about but I think the above statements are as true as it gets. If people wanna go drift corners and tune NAWWS injector pulses let them do what they want I guess.

you’re such a fag, dale jr.

A fag that doesnt drive a suzuki dirt bike engine on a car frame.

i have no comeback… that was too good.


i think everyone will agree that you are a retard. please disconnect your keyboard and beat the shit out of yourself. thanks

No actually I was back a couple years ago then I got out of high school.So now I’m well on my way to a good paying career so nice try though.I’ll be the first to admit a couple years ago I was probably the biggest tool on the site. But not anymore you’ll learn to grow up on this site one way or the other.

the internet hates you. :wackit:

schmeider > Your life

bout sums it up thanks.

there is no cure for retardation. dude you are going to wyotech… um, how many people come out of there with no job? yah…

i should sell my car and try to find a totally mint Sunbird convertible…

i hope you have at least 40k in the bank! those things are sick!

maybe he could go to community college and take welding drrrrrr

You can say what you want to say about the school I go to I really don’t care. I like the school I’m at you learn alot.And that all depends on where you live that you don’t get a job. There are over 25,000 employers looking for auto-mechanics.Open your job classified section of your newspaper and enough said Wyo-Tech may suck at finding you a job but employers don’t frown upon alumni who attended there. Its a million times better then any other technical school around here.And the others that come out of the school that must not done as well as they say they do or barely got through the school.

All that car needs are flat-tappets,cam and new valves and that car would beat your car.That was my first car I ever owned and I’m glad I don’t drive it anymore I have a nice new reliable car. My Mustang I had to get rid of to go to school woulda stompped you in reverse.

Plus I already finished community college at PSU fayette for business :wink:
Not to mention you can get certified at Wyo-Tech to weld

you need mods to beat a reno?