
i was wondering if any of u guys know anyone who can import cars from the states and get cars for a good price etc. pm me if u knoe who can get the job done let me knoe thanks guys. is probally best

I import cars from the states… pm me.

x2. . .I’ll be going through them for a G37 here pretty soon . . .

It is extremely easy to do yourself. Just spend 30 minutes on this site ( There is no reason you need to pay someone else to do something you can do with the investment of nothing more than a bit of time.

I have imported cars on my own from Japan and the US and all I did was spend a bit of time reading.

You can do it!!! :thumb

Even if you don’t want to bother doing it yourself, at the very least find out what is involved in importing so you know what is a fair price to pay for the service. Doing so will ensure you don’t get ripped off.

Here is some basic math to help you out with making your decision. Give or take a few fees here and there, you can expect to pay an additional 6% (GST) at the border on top of the purchase price of the car if it was made in the US. For a car not built in the US you will have to pay the purchase price of the car plus 6.1% duty and then you will pay GST on the total of the purchase price and duty.

Do the math to be sure it is even worth it. The purchase price of the car is not the only consideration. Don’t forget to factor in any costs in finding the car, getting to the location of the car, getting it back, accommodations, food, etc.

aswell as form 1 and 2 and oop inspection fee’s. But ya, sumed it up right there. As for buying new cars lots of dealerships might not sell to a canadian so you could have to go through broker of some sort to do the purchase for you. 4Kruzn does have that specific contact.