Where to import a JDM car

I am looking to bring in a JDM car but i am not sure who to deal with.

I have heard many differnt thing regarding the price of a JDM car. What do they relly sell for in Japan? Some people have said the can be as cheap as $100 or even $5000 for a nice GTR.

It seems like a nice GTR will cost about $15000 to import through a local importer. Are they really making a grand or do they make alot more than that?

If this is true where can i import a car so i dont pay the crazy import fees?


Some cars in Japan are cheap, but a GTR is NOT one of the them. You CANNOT find a GTR FOB-priced for less than probably 8-10, unless its got 200k and has been shit-bagged. And then you still have to pay for shipping and customs on top of that.

Most import companies make a grand or two for importing a car for you, but hey, its a lot of work and you have to have the right connections.

Companies like Redline make probably 6 grand off a Gts-t, but that’s because they are bullshit.

If you are looking for a GTR, I would say 12,000 for a non-landed GTR is fair and around 14,000 for a landed one.

Just buy mine for $16,000 and drive it home today.

Every import company claims to have “contacts” and “friends” in Japan helping them pick out cars…but the reality is 95% of them are buying from the exact same auction with little if no “contacts”/“friends” to help them out.

Most the time a 15K GT-R is a little beat and bruised.

You get what you pay for…if you know what to look for.

150 000KM on a GT-R is a little much if you ask me…ppl don’t usually buy GT-R’s as “drive easy” cars.

Try and find something with an upgraded engine to avoid some of the small problems the R32 had…or at least make sure if the engine is still the original R32 that those problems have been solved.



:werd: :werd:

import concern was the first to use the broker they are with. its funny cause other imports copy and paste crap from christians site and put it on theres

IMBO (In my biased opinion), I would say Import Concern OR WORLD CAR LINKfor sure. Just like mentioned here before, every company claims they have some kind of connections to “fix deals” which is pure bs. Everybody buys from the same place and same auctions.

So If all the cars are coming from the same source, how do you choose one importer on top of other ? I would say experience and Import Concern been doing this for how long and how many cars Christian has brought in is the answer.

Also take a look at world car link too as they can locate pretty much anything and modify it to your needs before it leaves Japan, which I think is an amazing feature for a company to offer.

I dont want to bad mouth but I just looked at prices for redlineimports and djauto on their websites…

15k for a stock mr2 ?! 12k for a gts-t with rb20 in it still ?! please fuck right off.

and do not buy into the “prices are high because these are low km non-beaten, non-drifted cars” bs. Unless it’s a auto Silvia’s Q with N/A engine, I wouldnt believe anything.

make sure you know FACTS before you say things such as “every” and “exact”

just because you do not have friends in japan or car enthusiasts checking for parts and cars for you does not mean that nobody else does …

It is funny watching you type somedays but this comment is not completely true as there is tons of sources and people who find very rare cars through private sales and garage/tuning shops who would take this as quite an offense.

Just because some people have cookie cutter process to the other does not mean you can label everyone

make sure you know FACTS before you say things such as “every” and “exact”

just because you do not have friends in japan or car enthusiasts checking for parts and cars for you does not mean that nobody else does …

It is funny watching you type somedays but this comment is not completely true as there is tons of sources and people who find very rare cars through private sales and garage/tuning shops who would take this as quite an offense.

Just because some people have cookie cutter process to the other does not mean you can label everyone[/quote]

Perhaps the use of “every” was a bit of an exageration but he did qualifiy his statement by saying “95%…” thereby opening up the door for a few that do have the contacts other than those that go to the auctions.

Guys…let’s take it easy. We have completely jacked the thread. Everybody take a breath and chill.

whatever … I am hopping into my stock black skyline and getting out of here …



There’s 3 main ways to buy a car in my opinion. They can all vary in detail and price but it can give you a guideline on what to look for and expect.

  1. Car is a brokered car: It’s just brokered to you from Japan and what you get it what you get. Average commission is $500-$1500. This can depend on what the car is worth as well.

  2. Nice sourced out cars/modified cars before they leave Japan: You still can’t guarantee anything as it’s used cars and used parts. I run into problems every day with the cars we build but I don’t grumble. I fix it. Average commission on top of the broker can be $800 for the sourcing and then whatever else is done to the car on top. You have to pay extra for this but its well worth it depending on what you want done and is 90% better than just a brokered in auction car.

  3. Buy the car in Canada: You see what you get, you drive it before you pay a cent. This is the best way to buy a car no and’s if’s or butt’s. Having the car oop’d is a big factor in this as well. Rules and prices can always change when brokering a car in.

P.S for the companies that land in there own cars and fix all the problems and get them oop’d and such can take MANY hrs and for that they deserve to bump their prices up. Maybe not as much as mentioned and as well nothing was mentioned to what those companies do to the car. I’ve seen dozens of cases people getting a car brokered in and then an extra 5 grand being put towards the investment before its oop’d and safe for the roads! Most commonly, Skyline’s. I have also spoken to other people/importers who sell cars on the side and such and seems to me Calgary and Edmonton are still pretty easy to oop the cars…… for now! More so Edmonton area.

Also remember that there is a Japan broker and a Canadian broker. Prices for Japan broker can make the price different as well and if the car had shaken inspection, A/C location to the port it all adds up and it’s extremely difficult to give an exact quote. If a battery dies or there is a leak before the car leaves Japan this can shoot the price way up. Just FYI :slight_smile:

make sure you know FACTS before you say things such as “every” and “exact”

just because you do not have friends in japan or car enthusiasts checking for parts and cars for you does not mean that nobody else does …

It is funny watching you type somedays but this comment is not completely true as there is tons of sources and people who find very rare cars through private sales and garage/tuning shops who would take this as quite an offense.

Just because some people have cookie cutter process to the other does not mean you can label everyone[/quote]

As MyGTR said 95%…and that’s a pretty good guess.

Just cuz I dont have contacts?

You say its funny reading my posts somedays?

Have you really read them?

I lived in Japan for nearly two years.

My girlfriends father owns a tuning shop in Tohoku.

I, with him, and one of his mechanics help, hand picked my cars.

I actually found and bought the cars before I came back to Canada.

Yes some ppl have contacts helping them buy and pick cars…but it is a minority that do.

^ Yeah the contacts are usually a japanese broker or an auction website :slight_smile:

I personally went through Josh (dj auto) who bought from Monkys in Japan (they are good about making sure the car is straight before shipping it, but you pay for it).

When I got the car everything was great (except for PS lines leaking), and it still runs like a champ.

Props to DJ Auto and Monkys, I ended up getting a solid deal.

I can say i had a very bad experience with DJ auto bringing in my old GTR. Josh seemed to be very dishonest and didnt care about his customers very much.

he is selling a R32 GTR for $38000 last time i saw it, it has a R34 bumper conversion and pretty much stock everything else. I can see it barely being worht $15000 here so i am assuming he is making lots of profit off of it.


all the rest of the cars seem overpriced as well

make sure you know FACTS before you say things such as “every” and “exact”

just because you do not have friends in japan or car enthusiasts checking for parts and cars for you does not mean that nobody else does …

It is funny watching you type somedays but this comment is not completely true as there is tons of sources and people who find very rare cars through private sales and garage/tuning shops who would take this as quite an offense.

Just because some people have cookie cutter process to the other does not mean you can label everyone[/quote]

As MyGTR said 95%…and that’s a pretty good guess.

Just cuz I dont have contacts?

You say its funny reading my posts somedays?

Have you really read them?

I lived in Japan for nearly two years.

My girlfriends father owns a tuning shop in Tohoku.

I, with him, and one of his mechanics help, hand picked my cars.

I actually found and bought the cars before I came back to Canada.

Yes some ppl have contacts helping them buy and pick cars…but it is a minority that do.[/quote]

umm hes knows what hes talkin about so…shhhhhh and www.Importconcern.ca for a importer whos doesnt make alot on his stock, and has the fairest pricing on his vehicles that ive seen anywhere!!!

Im going to agree with beatshack and i never had a problem with Dj Auto myself, the shipping of the car went very well, there where no more scratches or dents on the car from Japan to Edmonton.