In a battle we didn't know about????

I’ve been helping out for some time now at Swerve, and someone came in talking about a thread that somehow we got brought into it??? Anyway, I dug up the thread and am fairly happy to see that we didn’t get too slanderized. :slight_smile: Don, I highly doubt chris is trying to plug for swerve or I would imagine he would have never refferred his friend to you over us. I was happy to see Dos bring up the point that swerve mainly sells bolt-ons pretty much clearing Swerve of any bullshit drama. However, we have recently done a number of clutchs, turbos, suspensions and other performance bolt-ons and electrical work. But yes, in general we try to stay away from general repair. I agree had the job been with swerve the procedure would have been the $100 dollar way and it’s great to see Don give that guy the 2 options. There is select number of things we are capable of here due to resources, and we have straight up sent people to Hybrid and Innovative for procedures we aren’t equipped for. I was however dissappointed to see people jumping to conclusions that the work done here wasn’t top quality or are saying we are shady which couldn’t be further from the truth. Please by all means speak with ANYONE who has had work done here and I bet you any money they will have nothing but praise for our prices, work, and extra time spent to achieve perfection.

Basically this is the kinda stuff that we try to stray from seeing as this scene should be more about modding, racing, and having fun.

truth. and you do pretty damn good work i can attest to this and i know you take your time for perfection. i havent gotten any work done by swerve but i have bought a few things from paul.


cliffs? the whole paragraph blends together.

not a good read.

The only time I wish I had mod rights is when people ask for cliffs on something that takes all of 20 seconds to read. If your A.D.D. is that bad, go see a fucking doctor already.

I’ve met Andy at various autocross events and he seems to be a REALLY stand up guy. I doubt Swerve had anything to do with the drama in the other thread.


The only time I wish I had mod rights is when people ask for cliffs on something that takes all of 20 seconds to read.

I’ve met Andy at various autocross events and he seems to be a REALLY stand up guy. I doubt Swerve had anything to do with the drama in the other thread.


fuck you. i hate when people throw 1000 things in a fucking paragraph.

again. fuck you.

  • nice edit asshole. your def. a funny one.

That’s enough.