Inadequate muffler ticket, how much is the fine?

Got this last night in NT, anyone have an idea as to how much the fine would be if I just mailed it in? Thanks

Fix it today and go back there, you have 24 hours to correct the problem


I’ve never heard of this, how exactly does this work? I get out of work at 5:30 and got the ticket around 8ish last night so I don’t think I could make it within 24 hours.

you have to either have it fixed and bring it to the police station and have a cop sign off on it, or have a shop write you out a letter on letterhead saying they fixed it for you and bring it in withing 24 hrs

Well, in Amherst it works like this:

Equipment Violation - the court will consider dismissal of tickets written for New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law sections 375, 376, or 381 if proof is presented to the court that the defect was corrected prior to 1/2 hour after sunset on the first full business day after issuance of the ticket.

I got an unsafe tire ticket a while back (my new tires were on order at the time), went home, slapped on 4 UNMATCHING tread but legal tread depth tires, took the car over to APD on my lunch hour the next day, and had the ticket dismissed. The cop signed off and told me to take the form right over to the court and hand it in. I’m guessing it’s similar in all townships.

Do you think they’d be shitty if i brought it to them like 26 hours later or so?

just go to a shop that will charge you $10 and write you a reciept saying they welded a stock muffler back on. many shops will take $10 for not doing any work.

ive brought back stuff late. just be prepared to kiss ass and have a valid reason (even if said valid reason is actualy a lie)

lieing like you killed a man … they wont see it coming because you arent under suspicion for killing anyone …

lol thanks… I called the NT police station, they said as long as I get it in tonight it should be ok. thanks for all the responses

I got same ticket in EA years a go. Bought a $20 muffler at autozone, took receipt to court 3 weeks later. DA looked at the ticket, said wtf ticket is this. I said I have no idea but I got a new muffler, he said get out of here.

in OP i paid $110, damn popos

my mom works for the APD )shes a crossing guard, but works at the front desk in the summers a lot) and she said they’re usually more concerned about you getting it fixed than being on time, so as long u get it to them sometime today or even tomorrow, they should take. but thats amherst, however im sure tonawanda would be close to the same way.


i got a headlight out ticket in amherst and 3 weeks later on my first court date they were going to drop it if i could produce a recipt

C is for cookie, bitch. just tell them you got locked in the shitter at don pablos



town of tonawanda charged me $50.

fo rmy tickets, i had a shop “re-weld” a joint…

bastards actually rewelded it too.

paid $75 plus $25 surcharge in thw town of tonawanda 2 times and paid $110 in nf 1 time

ahh the good ole days of the ranger