Indians? LOL

Rather then tax them, could we go into the reservation by force and make them relocate to a less desirable area? I mean maybe we can just have them all march into the east side. Then they can sell all the smokes, drugs, and anything else they want to tax free.

Lets start some gang vs tribe wars!

biological warfare…aids vs. smallpox

Can you shoot a bow and arrow sideways, like one would with a pistol? Kill Shot!!

Trail of tears 2: tales from the hood.

invite them to home depot for the survival game.

Awesome ^ lol


Do they sell beaver pelts or beads there? I will need a distraction.

We have hatchets, curtains and spray paint, I’d imagine you could easily make a cool looking tomahawk and/or head dress piece.

carnut is a red-nigga lover. GET HIM!!!

your either with us or against us - nWo 4 Life

I’d like to own an Indian.



In for Indian ownership. I’d also like to own an Amish guy.

I do love me a nice warm water heater after work though…

I love one after sex.

Do they make Smokin Joes brand water heaters?

the level of fail in this thread is at near epic proportions…see all you fellas in hell