Indoor paintball ??

Anyone know of one in the Buffalo area.
I got a B-day comming up for my son and he has decided this is what he wants to do

Thanks NVP looks cool but far away to take 10 10 yr olds

NVP is great but yeah… Rochacha might be a little far for just a birthday.

Im pretty sure there is no indoor paintball in Buffalo anymore :frowning:

ya but nvp is also full of a buch of little annoying 14 years olds with 1400 dollar guns that their parents bought them that enjoy walking off the field if they think the tems are unfair. GRC is alot more fun.

Oh let them play outside.
Plus cold paintballs hurt more :slight_smile:

yeah, nvp is the best it gets unless its outdoor in the summer

theres a place on hertel, past military heading away from main. the name escapes me right now.

Indoor pb died awhile ago in buffalo.

Thats why I don’t play anymore.

Your best bet is nvp, it’s the only one worth going to now