Infection question:

I’ve had my lip pierced for about 6 years, I haven’t had a ring in it for a few years though, I’ll put it in once in a while though because the hole hasn’t closed up (and I don’t see it closing up either)

For some reason I got it infected though and now it looks like I have herpes on my lip :barf:

If I squeeze it, puss will come out, and it fucking smells, what is the BEST way to get rid of the infection AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE.
I tried peroxide and it seems to help, but there’s got to be something better.


herpes arent that bad

Antibiotics from your doctor.

penicillin or any antibiotic of the sorts.

Paging The_Russian

Tyler, you have NOT had that thing for 6 years lol. I was there when you got that, and your nipple done haha. Good times.

I was 16…I am now 21… okay 5 years… either way…

But yeah, forgot I had to go to Canada to get that shit done…haha

yeah, x2 on this. Don’t try some home remedy… infections can spread

Wait really? I don’t feel as if it was that long ago for some reason. Wow, we were young when that happened lol. And getting pulled over at customs on the way back, you were nervous as fuck haha.

put some peroxide in your mouth and push it out through the hole

dont really do that

it looked like aids to me

I would say Listerine would take care of this little pickle

Sorry, it was supose to go IN your mouth.

From what I remember, I think you’re going to have to keep the ring in while you have the infection because you don’t want it to close and trap the infection inside. Treat it like a fresh piercing. After smoking/drinking rinse it with a saline solution, or the yellow Listerine. Wash the outer area with antibacterial soap (dial), and don’t play with it.

Good luck.

“Moist heat is best for promoting healing of an infected piercing, so a warm, wet salt-water hot-compress applied to the area would be appropriate. Even more care must be taken with hand-washing and avoiding manipulation of the jewelery” - google search.

i bet dawn gave you it

Greatest post in the history of the internet.

I don’t have herpes. Dummy.

Peroxide is not gonna do anything but dry your damn skin out. You need a anti-biotic. From the sounds of it you have a fairly bad infection. The more puss and the worse the smell = the worse the infection. If I had to guess it is probably some sort of Staph infection. Just pray that I am wrong.


you can probably actually do that, they say you can swiss your mouth out with peroxide right on the bottle.

Eh. Think deep big pimple. Thats pretty much what it is. But because its deep It does have the potential to spread. Do what dawn said. Antibiotics will also do the trick but are kinda overkill.