Well, I did it.....

got my tongue pierced on Saturday night. Feels kinda weird still, and is swollen. I’m taking 3 advil a day to keep the pain away while it heals, and cleaning my mouth with a listerine/water solution every hour whether I eat or not. Haven’t tried eating much solid food yet… yogurt and ice cream and are my favorites so far!

Now, I think I’m going to puke from all the Listerine… (no I’m not swallowing it, but I probably ingest a little bit each time I wash out my mouth and it’s bothering my tummy… :frowning: )

you might drop some weight this way…might have to look into this :smiley:

I did actually, I dropped 7 or 8 pounds since Saturday night. I’m down to 138! I haven’t been < 140lbs in years!


but may i try it out,so i can see if i want one for my wife?

:eek2: How about I just let Mike tell you how it is? :wink: (in 4 weeks when it’s healed)


Sorry Shaggy… not making a trip to Oregon just for that! :wink:

The KING has spoken :slight_smile:

he is in cincy now

nope, want mouth on experince!!! :eek: :booty: :moon:

You heard the man


:ugh2: :squint:

CPR lessons are availible somewhere :bowrofl:


had both, prefer without.

good answer! :wink:

If it’s that bad, then I can always take it out. No big deal. :smiley:

not sayin its bad just that i prefer without. you don’t tend to complain to much about that anyway :smiley: