my lip hurts :(

a couple days ago, i thought the thing to do was, go get my lip pierced.

i ended up getting snake bites.

now my lip is swollen, my lips are chapped from the unability to lick it, i can’t eat without it being uncomfortable, and drinking sucks hardcore. I cant wait til next week, when its going to swell down…but i’ll still have to rinse with mouthwash, and disenfect it all the time, after i eat, smoke, drink…etc. etc.

oh well its hot, and i’ve gotten a lot of compliments so far.

these are snakebites:

P.S.- that photo is not me… my balls are black, and i’m not far enough into puberty to grow substantial facial hair. :stuck_out_tongue:

why not take a pic of urself?

i dont have a pic?

and i cant figure out how to use newmans camera.


ahahah fag

haaaa, you said “my balls are black”



In before

Do you cry alot?


pussy. lip piercings aren’t supposed to hurt. hahaha.

Are you gonna get glasses like Newman too?


yes. but i refuse to start fucking ugly girls.



Dayumn. C’mon Newman, don’t let that one slide :slight_smile:

so does that mean your just going to keep fucking ugly guys :slight_smile:


wow, zapped.

so does that mean your just going to keep fucking ugly guys



So funny that you said that.
I could say something… I REALLY COULD, but I won’t. Because I love you.