how do you get rid of an infected cut?

anyone know?

cut it off

Peroxide and some neosporin

if its really bad and that dosent work. you’ll have to get on some antibiotics. you’ll know if its damn infected, red swelling around the cut, lots of puss draining out, and if the cut won’t dry out and just keeps on getting bigger.

i always used peroxide and alcohol to get rid of them. make sure you put a bandage over it after you clean it out.

it is swollen real bad but not draining bad. I got neosporin on it and peroxide last night so I am hoping that does it

rubbing alcohol :hsugh:

it works

goin to the doc since i cant bend my finger at all now. i looks like my hand is broken

yep best place for you.

yeah I just don’t even want to chance a blood infection

paint thinner. at least it works good on a cold sore.

stop up the shop sammy, i fix ya up.

I would just go see a doctor…do you have Ins?

I might come up but not for Dr. Eric.

Dr. just told me I have cellulitous and would have a good chance of dying back before the 50’s or 60’s.

I am now on 400mg of avelox a day and still can’t use that finger. he pretty much said I am screwed swelling wise and maybe soaking in warm water will help

that sucks. i always end up using neosporin and uslly if that doin’t work i get some antibiotics.

squeeze the infection out and wash it real good then neosporin it up


hahahahaha he missed a stroke wacking off and broke his hand.

Maybe he should have worn those little blue gloves like you wear. :blue:

left hand homos not right