i cut my thumb

do i man up and keep bandaids on it or do something about it?


doesnt look that bad really. just make sure it stops bleeding and doesnt get infected. docs aint gonna do much.

puts a damper on thumbbanging maryjane rottencrotch

this is the third day, the past two it soaked bandaids… i’ll live

cut, or hit it with a hammer so hard the front split?

thats but merely a flesh wound

Clean it good and break out the superglue!!!

nah that’s not real bad, should heal up fine, it’ll just take a while

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

All they will do is glue it, do that yourself.

Ouch that looks rough.

I’ve hit my thumb with a hammer before and it split. No fun.

that’ll be fine…

i remember when i smashed my finger with a hammer…
I was about 9, I got a little tool kit for kids, well the hammer wasnt big enough… so i got my dad’s and well smashed my finger damn good lol.
I didnt get stitches but it left a good scar and my fingernail fell off lol

Came here to say that. Keeping it clean is key, I would cut off a thumb of a plastic glove and use medical tape(or what ever you have) and keep it covered thru the work day. You want to let it air out pretty good after it starts to heal. My dad has a tendency to cut his hands up alot so I got used to either taking him to the ER for bad ones or putting bandages on his.

the worst is hitting a finger with a new aluminum bit in a die grinder. it just kind of filets your skin open. it’s pretty fuckin gross…

I’ve done it… I know what your talking about…
doesnt hurt at first, you just kinda stand there like “oh fuck!” and its nasty as hell

no, the worst is sticking your hand in a running lawn mower…a classic momentary lapse of thinking on my part that day…

keep it clean, use electical tape. the glue well help it from bleeding. it doesn’t look deep enough to need stitches or staples.

what is it this week with people with little ass cuts boo hooing? tape it up and get back to work.

hey, i wasn’t even going to got he hospital when i had my accident. wrapped it in a towl and was going to go have a beer. it wasn’t until i realized that parts of my finger were missing that i thought it might be a good idea to go.
a 45 minute surgery and 3 days in the hospital, i think i made a good call.

good idea jonny 4 finger gloves

suck it up pussy