Initial D Manga Thread

Hey, i thought it would be nice to post some Initial D - Manga (comics) for you guys…i have about 360 chapters…:slight_smile: :slight_smile:
i’m going to post 5 chapters every day…enjoy! (files are ziped).
*I’m using to upload the chapters and in order for you guys
to download them you should enter 3 digit number and press on the blue button
that says START DOWNLOAD then some commercial adds gonna pup up …
just close those and wait for 20 sec and then press on Click here to download.
i know it sounds complicated but it’s really not…
if anyone has a better way to upload those chapters please pm me…


chapter 1:

chapter 2:

chapter 3:

chapter 4:

chapter 5:

ok i guess people are not really interested in this sooo i’m not gonna continue
with this:confused: :frowning:

i’ll be grabbing these when I get home… nice coupe dubv:)

nice lol thats awsome

Thanx Tony240 …:slight_smile: … so guys you want this thread to continue or not?

just continue it… :R people will read it dont worry…

ok :slight_smile: ENJOY again!


chapter 6:

chapter 7:

chapter 8:

chapter 9:

chapter 10:

All download slots assigned to your country (Canada) are in use. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please try again later.

Is this normal? Am I looking in the wrong place?

you can these from Tokyopop up to book 24 or more now at Chapters or any good comics shop.

I remember anxiously awaiting the Japanese versions of the cartoon being sub’d into english a year or two ago.

Why spend money when you can get it free from Dubv, or download from the internet?

well some people may want to SPEND some money a hard copy but don’t realize they can get it…

The anime has always been dubed into english within 1-2 days of being aired in Japan, so i have no clue what your on about with that first statement.

you are lookin’ at the right place …sometimes this web site is too bizy…try after 5 min…it should work…i just tried all the links and they work…:slight_smile:

Vol. 2:

chapter 11:

chapter 12:

chapter 13:

chapter 14:

chapter 15:

hey vlad.
ive gotton chapter 1-9 just fine but when i try 10-15 there is a problem. when the page opens up it doesnt have the input field for the 3 diget number and the start download.

instead of the number/start d/l it shows up something like this

Download with Premium!

sometimes the server is bizy…just try again in 5 min man…it will work…
i just tried them again now…and they all worked:)

awwh ok. its working now

Brad after you read the manga you should watch the anime… :R

i have seen a few episods… i actually have one of em.

duck tape death match.