inject $3 trillion itll fix itself

you have no idea what you are talking about. You come on here and blatantly spew information you hear or see on the interwebs. Yes we are in debt to China, but we also have massive debt owed to both the Federal Reserve and Social Security.

China does not own the USA as you so eloquently put it

10 pages coming.

While that is flat out wrong - they only own 25% of our total debt and these guys take it to the extreme, there is a big problem with how the money is being spent in the gov’t.

Outrageous contracts, asinine military spending and stupid expenses you can see as stories every day on the news.

Tinfoil hats ITT

That is terrible ^, can’t be read.

Here are two keepers

The Pentagon Spends More Money Fixing Rusty Old Shit than Canada Spends on Its Entire Military


Air Conditioning the Military Costs More Than NASA’s Entire Budget

The DOD spends $20 billion a year just to air condition tents and temporary buildings in Iraq and Afghanistan. That’s more than NASA’s entire $19B annual budget.

I know a number of people in the military who said that said it’s ridiculous how the money gets spend and wasted.

Our infrastructure is shot, we are hitting the debt ceiling, economy is in recession/depression but ships made to battle Soviet Russia are being kept alive and we are AC’ing a desert while bailing out failed business’s with billions possibly trillions of dollars.

It’s a mess.

The breakdown of where our government owes its money from 2010. Might be a little different now, but you get the idea.

useless debate is useless

i said what about? and isnt it wierd the federal reserve is a private business?

i should of said china owns alot of usa. or too much imo.

and great post in here some off topic but the ones on topic are good ones

Keynes knows best!

Please stop talking unless you have even the slightest clue what you’re talking about.

are governet iz mad krookit and stuf guys. tv is bad to

obvious communist/anarchist troll is obvious.

nobody can be this idiotic and still be alive…

does anybody else wonder if the world would stop spinning all of a sudden if pitman actually made a useful post.