inject $3 trillion itll fix itself

damn more debt. govt is about to default? have no fear useless paper money is here. our govt needs help. like a book titled how to run a country for dumies.

I’m sure you’re a much better candidate to run the country. Maybe Jesse Ventura can be your running mate?

The guy who has no clue how to use punctuation, grammar or spell properly is giving “how to run a government” advice.


Fun fact for you…

Apparently as of yesterday, Apple currently has more money at its disposal then the US Govt :rofl\

Edit: IDK how true that is, but aprently the US has 73 billion in various stocks/accounts… Apple has 75 billion as of last quarter… im guessing we have more then that but i just thought it was funny

no i wouldnt want anyone to run it. why should someone have more authority than another? derek jeter makes more than our pres that makes decisions that effect masses. if anything the person who runs whole country should be getting paid more imo. jesse ventrua is a wwf wrestler. everyone mentions him idk why i bet because hes on tv and you watch alot of that

i cant spell so what? so your saying they dont need help? where have you been? we need a revolution like egypt. sorry i dont have proper english. but if you think everything is ok somethings wrong. too much t.v id say

what about china owning usa?

this was banned by our govt too

also if you didnt know we are in debt. debt no positive there. mac has positive

Jesse Ventura is also former governor of Minnesota, smart one. Since then, he turned into a major conspiracy theorist, much like yourself. It has nothing to do w/ TV, it’s keeping up with current events.

No one said everything is okay with the government, but if all you’re going to do is bitch about rather than actually do something, you’re about as useful as tits on a bull.

I <3 Tits

im doing something. im letting people know some people think everything is fine and dandy. just let people know govt isnt whats its cracked up to be. and titties on anything is sweet


No, you’re voicing your opinions and preaching to the choir.
If you’re trying to send a message to people, having proper grammar will most certainly help. Right now, people think you’re a 13 year old boy behind his computer complaining about things.

This thread needs tits.

This thread is now about TITS…post em up fellas!

Except for Slowmarro. LOL

+1 on the titties.

You’re a little late to the party as this has been going on for years now but I guess it’s better late than never. It was bad under GWB but Obama has taken us over the edge. Our government is way too big and we have a spending problem. That is just the tip of the iceberg though.

The best thing you can do is look at both sides with an objective mind and definitely vote for the people that share a set of values close to your own.

look at dem

Woo! Mike for president!

Long term we are not going to be a super power soon.

We sit here daily and observe all the stupid ways the govt spends money on programs that need to he killed and things that simply make no sense. Yet it doesn’t change in this democracy and people are useless.

Everybody has their own opinion and everybody argues which is why representatives don’t listen to the people and make a decision on their own, typically based in a way that would support their reelection not necesseraly good for the country or long term.

We no longer produce anything and we can’t even get out act together straight. We just try to prove to the world that we still matter by applying the military force on any given chance.

And this is the typical American occupying this country

It’s still good but for how long? More and more problems keep coming up but the govt is useless to resolve them.


“must spread rep around before giving it to Mike again”