
Probably because he knows what he’s doing… then again, to do a “junkyard” setup you need to know your stuff…

He’s also running a T3 (probably off of whatever Saab or Volvo he took it from) T3>t25[/quote]

i am well aware of this already, and so that is why i am looking into several routes of upgrades…

mind you i havent even had a full week of driving this thing yet anyways[/quote]

Just get a gt25r, direct replacement for your little t25 no new parts needed.

S14 BB T28??\

? are you talking about the gt28r?

i guess so, i’m not up to par with all the different names for the tubro’s yet, i never had a reason to research until now.

hks gt25r would be a direct replacement for your stock t25, ball bearing turbo good to iirc around 400 hp. Expect to pay a lot for it though.

The other options as far as I know are to switch to top feed injectors, and fuel rail, and go with a T3/T04E but you would need a new turbo manifold as well. Both should cost about the same except this option will give you more options for upgrading in the future.

That’s what I’m doing and so far I’ve gotten kick ass deals on these
parts. :wiggle: <– showoff

I think a T28 upgrade would wtill get bing somewhere in the 300rwhp
range if it’s properly tuned and whatnot.

exactly, i dont need teh hassle of finding a good top mount manifold. and i have no use for 350 rwhp…

my buddy was running a S14 T28 w/ 555cc’s Z32 mafs, S-AFC and put down 294.1 rwhp… that is more than i need, so the same set up with 480cc’s and a few extra’s beyond his set up should put me in good standing…

plus everyone around here in niagara is pretty slow anyways, if i were in the GTA i might have higher aspirations.

You also have the option of drilling your intake manifold runners to
accomodate additional injectors.

Depends on your resources, this could cost you less (or more).

The small stock t25 should be fine for you bing if you crank up the boost a bit, might need bigger injectors, but if you don’t really want to spend the money, then you don’t need a bigger turbo.

money isnt the issue, reliability and ease of install and maintenance is…

the will remain a daily driver.

bingy grab an HKS GT-SS turbine, good for 300rwhp and its only 1300usd, but you know what the best part is? its BRAND FUCKING NEW. i’d be willing to be that it’ll spool much faster than a T25. Not only is it full ball bearing, people under-rate brandnewness :stuck_out_tongue:

That an S-AFC 2 and 550cc injectors would be awesome. Not sure how easy it is to imput 480cc injectors into the S-AFC II? 550s will idle fine dude if thats your concern… since money isn’t… you fucking pimp :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe some 252 cams while you’re at it

errr… money isnt a concern when we’re talking about a few hundred dollars for a T28 or fitting a T3 on like chris’s… $1500 for a turbo… hahahha

perhaps i shouldnt have made that implication.

So all that is needed is to change the impedance (sp) and the dsm injectors will work correct? Do you need to get a new fuel rail or something. I have heard more than one point of view on this, and have heard that there are varying (top/side feed) injectors on the dsm.

So basically DSM sidefeed with resistors to change to high impedance should just plug in correct?