Inmates wish officers HAPPY HOLIDAYS

“they are believed to be armed and dangerous” and btw if you catch them we will give you 8k. ha.

“Thank you officer -------- for the tools needed, you’re a real pal, Happy Holidays,” the note read, with a smiley face drawn next to it.

:biglaugh: And I love the name “Otis Blunt”.

props for a job well done. I would head straight for Brasil.

LOL sweeeeeet

some cell blocks are a few hundred feet long with one officer per 80 or more inmates yelling like a bunch of animals. Also radios,tv, butt sex you name it its fucken loud.

ROFL :rofl: :lol: :biglaugh:

wow. Thats crazy

Last time I checked, suicide wasn’t really funny. He most likely didn’t intentionally give them the tools they used. Now if something tragic befell the escapees, I would find that humorous.

He must have been very strong minded to kill himself.


I have no sympathy for suicide, as anyone that does it wants to die. Congratulations you got what you wanted.

I have no sympathy for suicide, as anyone that does it wants to die. Congratulations you got what you wanted.

+1 to the no sympathy

Im suprised no one else noticed, in the original article about the inmates escaping it says in the first few lines they should be considered “ARMED AND DANGEROUS”… one of the last lines in the article says “$8000 REWARD FOR THEIR CAPTURE”. You want civilians to chase down a huge black AND mexican guy, that were willing to jump down a 30 foot roof, then hop a 25foot fence with razor wire, and also have been deemed “armed and dangerous”, and attempt to detain them… for $8000? wtf?

yea fucking right.

What if they were white??? would you chase them down then??

no? what does that have to do with anything? nice try.

Looks like YOU are the racist. OMG a black guy!! AND WORSE A MEXICAN!!!

ili v.shawshank

lol. if they were white, and I said “two crazy ass white guys”, he wouldnt have considered the fact I could be black and not like white guys though, he would have skimmed by it as nothing unusual. to take something like that and, not knowing me, instantly think I was saying something racist also makes it instantly obvious thats what said person was thinking themselves when they read it.

and I have about a 5to1 ratio of black/mexican to white friends, so once again, nice try. its a website, no one thinks you’re cool.

you’re a “nigger” hater lol jp


I am not a racist, I like Wayne Brady, Jackie Chan, Ben Stiller and some random Indian at the Seneca Casino<- he pumps my gas at the rez.

wayne brady owns

Yeah he’s funny, sings. He’s like Drew Carey, just blacker.