wow.. what a setup

ohh my sweet jesus

gadamn… :tup:

hahahaha, thats some serious shit

wow, he really knows how to get the job done.


as illegal as that is…

im impressed

its not illegal, where u been

I keep expecting maxwell smart to pop out of that rock on his shoe phone. I wonder if that will boost up resale value on the house. Panic rooms go for alot these days.

well… it was good, but obviously not that good.

Very nice and neat, kind of feel bad for the guy looks like a pretty thought out set up.

Wow… Ought to make a hell of a garage extension for whoever buys it!

i think i am gonna start selling weed.

god damn that is one heavy duty door :eek:

Im going to guess someone couldnt keep their mouth shut about the sweet setup and thats how the cops first heard about it.

wow, those saplings must be top secret or something. ?

thats it, thats heaven…who wants to make a crusade??? i must find that

wow, im extremely impressed in the amount of planning and work that went into that, that is absolutely nuts. i wonder how that was built without being obvious. how do you build underground like that?

i bet that becomes some government agent’s house now because they cant sell something like that to the public again, and they would use it to stor government crap. either that or they will doze the whole house down and destroy the compound.

With these kinds of smarts and determination, these guys could have done so many other things, and not be in prison right now.

Very impressive nevertheless.

aside from the illegal part, thats fucking unreal…

The only thing that could make it better is if he had 12 illegal immigrant workers nurturing the crop 18 hrs a day and they were in the pictures…

:lol: agreed