Innate Immunotherapeutics - MASSSSSSIVE PLUNGE - Time to buy??

Chris Collins lost 22 million in the last month. Went from 1.77 to 5 cents. Apparently their MS drug did not work and the company is re-evaluating their game plan, but is not going out of business (yet). Kind of just want to throw a couple of bucks at it and see what happens.

Anyone else following this??

the only way it’s going back up is if they can raise a bunch more money & if they have a new plan for profitability. You’re basically banking on that or a overvalued acquisition

Definitely a gamble, I bought 2000 shares and paid a 50$ fee ended up costing 150$. Worth the gamble. If it lose, oh well deduct it during tax time, and if they cure MS or can treat it, might be a couple grand.

I would think they have another route they’ll want to take with their research, though Collins, the biggest shareholder, sold everything Ive read.

Biotech is gamble city, but whatever floats your yacht :tup:

Well I’m on a paddle boat currently, yacht is the end goal.

yikes, check out RobinHood for free trades. Nobody should pay 1/3 in fees. I would also stay away from that and get whatever back you can.

Biggest gamble I took recently was Blue Apron. Got in at 10 and want to ride it for a while.

Good, suck it Collins. Hope the rest of the Republican Congressmen that he got in on the deal on inside information right before legislation favorable to the company was coming up for a vote lost their asses too.