Innova dog food

Anyone know of a pet store around buffalo, southtowns preferably, that carries Innova dog food.

I’m coming back to buffalo for a week and the pup is gonna need more food. I’d rather not have to try and pack a 50lb bag of dog food for the drive if i dont have to.

pet store/ buffalo area


i’ll call around if i have to, just wondering if anyone knew off-hand because we’ve got a lot of pet owners on here.

Pet Supplies Plus carries it I believe.,+ny&fb=1&sa=X&oi=local_group&resnum=1&ct=image

PSP carries it.

You’re not in Philly?

whats so special about innova?

Never thought to try their own website?

ultra premium like diamond, no fillers and shit like that

gotcha. tee why

i am right now, leaving to head back up to buffalo later today.

:cool: there’s one right in west seneca

elmwoord pet ctr

your welcome?

Pet Supplies Plus ftw… just a little plug. Love that store I go there now for all of my stuff. They carry Wellness/Wellness Core brand which I switched my dog too. They have a ton of stuff and pretty good prices.